Birthday Mini-Series: Clint and Thor (Part 2/5)

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A/N: Part two let's do this! Hope everyone enjoys this. So many cute moments in this eee!


When he finally pulled his hands away from my face, I was truly surprised at what I saw

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When he finally pulled his hands away from my face, I was truly surprised at what I saw. Sitting on an adorable cake platform was one of the most beautiful cakes I had ever seen. The icing was fluffy and the color of the sky on a clear summer day. The edges had been scraped to create the perfect amount of texture and detail. And the top? It was beautiful in the most simplistic way. The perimeter of the cake was adorned with small white flowers and small pieces of greenery, while the words "happy birthday (y/n)" were written in an elegant cursive script. The design was tied together with a dash of small white sprinkles around the wording. The cake was perfect; almost as if someone had read my mind to come up with the design. I turned around to face Clint, a delighted smile on my face. "This is...gorgeous. Hawk, who made this? It's incredible!" I gushed as I continued to marvel at the beautiful birthday cake that had been waiting for me when I walked into the house this evening. When I saw the red blush creeping up his neck to his cheeks, I knew. "You didn't!" I squealed in surprise as I wrapped my arms around him. We were both so busy with work I had no idea when he would have had time for something like this. "You're always making me cakes for my birthdays I figured it was time to try my hand at returning the favor," he explained, scratching the back of his neck; something. he tended to do whenever he got flustered. "Well thank you, I think it's sweet and I can't wait to eat it!" I said as I stretched up on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. "Come on, we've got more to do today than just stand around and gawk at your cake," he said as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the living room. 

When Clint pulled the french doors that lead into our living room, I was pleasantly surprised to see all of my friends standing around socializing with each other and sipping on drinks

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When Clint pulled the french doors that lead into our living room, I was pleasantly surprised to see all of my friends standing around socializing with each other and sipping on drinks. "I wasn't aware we were having company tonight" I whispered to him as we made our entrance into the living room. "That was kind of the point" he whispered back as he gently guided me towards the center of the room where a chair was positioned beside the table he had reserved strictly for gifts. "You're really gonna make me do this?" I hissed at him through my teeth. The thought of having to sit here and open all of these presents in front of everybody (and there was a lot) made me uneasy for some reason. I guess I just wasn't used to being the center of attention like this. But this was typical of Clint; finding a way to help me push myself out of my comfort zone for my own wellbeing. As I started opening all of the gifts my friends had spoiled me with, I was struggling to hold back tears. Every gift from every single one of them was so incredibly thoughtful and perfect. I was truly beyond blessed to have such incredible friends in my life who understood me the way that they do. I don't know what I would do without them but I was glad that they were all here with me to celebrate tonight. 

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