I've Always Love You (Steve Rogers)

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**Edited and Revised on 01/24/21**

IMAGINE: Steve saving your life then admitting that he loves you.

You crept along carefully as you snooped around. "If he catches me sneaking around up here, I'm sure he'll personally end me." you thought to yourself as you continued to snoop. Your stubborn older brother Clint was still recovering from his injuries in the attack on New York, and Fury had asked you to see to his wellness after his discharge. Unbeknownst to most, Clint wasn't the only Barton who was hawk-like and incredibly agile. You shared in many of your brother's stealthy abilities. You laughed at the irony of you using them against him. You watched Clint as he walked out of the training room where he hadn't noticed you watching him. His observation skills were only top-notch from above it seems. Using the rafters to hide, you ducked over and under them, easily keeping a tail on your brother as he exited the training room. You were mindful of all of the pipes and their positions as you twisted among them. You knew almost every inch of this building, top to bottom. But sometime during the renovations, some pipes must have been added because an unexpected one caught your foot and sent you falling from the rafters. You landed face down, smackdown on the training room's rubber floor. You groaned and rolled over onto your back in an attempt to assess your injuries. Touching a hand to your nose, you realized it was tender and bleeding. You also observed that your lip had been split open, and your head was spinning. Not to mention the ringing in your ears. What you didn't realize was that you were not alone in the training room. "(Y/n)? What the hell happened to you?  Why are you on the floor?" You looked up to see Steve standing above you with concern dancing across his vibrant blue eyes. "Great. Captain America just saw me fall out of the rafters" you thought to yourself.  "I fell out of the rafters. Fury had me following Clint." You explained y to him. He was just looking at you and smiling about the method you had chosen to follow your brother around. Suddenly Steve's blue eyes darkened and he looked scared. "(Y/n)? Are you ok? (Y/N)? Can you hear me? (Y/N)!" And then you blacked out.

You woke up to the annoying and steady beeping of machines, and the sickening smell of the hospital. It took a few tries to open your eyes but when you did you were greeted with the sight of classic white walls, the same bland bed, a few bouquets of varying flowers including carnations, daffodils, geraniums, and roughly two dozen beautiful red roses. You looked to your left to see Clint passed out in the guest chair beside your bed his hand holding onto yours. He looked exhausted and super stressed out. Not great for his health. "Clint. Wake up." You said trying to wake him gently. He continued snoring and you rolled your eyes, choosing the last resort option. "Clinton wake up" you hissed knowing the mention of his given name would get his attention because he hated it. Your brother snapped to attention nearly jumping out of his chair. You giggled as he scowled at you. You could see him mentally cursing your name.  "Good morning" you whispered trying not to startle him again. "(Y/n) it's 11 o'clock at night." He whispered getting up to sit on the bed beside you so he could fix your hair with his gentle fingers. This always seemed to relax you, ever since you were a child. You leaned Into him letting him continue until you gathered the courage to ask him what had been going on. "Clint?" "Yeah (y/n)?" He asked still focusing on his task which was your hair. "How long was I out?" Your brother sighed and looked down at you with a sad look in his eyes. "Like 27 hours. You're lucky to be here, you have a horrible concussion (y/n), you could have developed a brain bleed! No one would have found you if Steve hadn't been there and brought you here. I'll owe him forever. 

Speaking of Steve, he's been here since he brought you. I'm gonna go find him and let him know you woke up." Clint said placing a soft kiss on your head and leaving your room.  Minutes later the door opened again and Steve came through it. He moved to sit in the guest chair, but you patted Clint's empty spot on the bed beside you. For a while, the two of you didn't say anything you just sat In silence thinking. "You saved me" you whispered not even looking Steve In the eyes. Instead, you wrapped your arms around him. "(Y/n) there's no way I could have left you there..." he whispered placing a strand of hair behind your ear.

 You looked at him and somehow in that distinct moment, it hit you. "Oh my god, I'm in love with him..."  You thought to yourself in shock. You took a deep breath in, planing to just be forward with your feelings.  "Steve I-, there's something I-" the second time you didn't stop yourself. You were cut off- by Steve's soft warm lips being pressed against your own. You two kissed passionately yet softly until you had no air left. Steve took your small face in his large hands so that you were looking into each other's eyes. Steve spoke first. "(Y/n) Barton. I love you. I've loved you since I can remember. I'm in love with everything about you. And all I can hope is that maybe against all odds you love me too?" You looked up at Steve and his eyes that were filled with hope. You smiled widely up at him. You reached up and brushed a tuff of blonde hair out of his eyes. " Well, Captain, you're in luck. Because I just so happen to be madly in love with you too." you sheepishly admitted. Steve laughed and leaned down to place another breathtaking kiss on your lips. When you guys finally managed to pull away from each other, you realized you didn't want to be apart from him ever again if you could help it. So you snuggled up against his warm chest. "You are incredible (y/n)." He whispered into your hair. "Mmmmm" you mumbled into his chest not bothering to move. "Oh and (y/n) one more question for you," Steve asked. You asked twisted around in his arms to look him straight in his gorgeous blue eyes. "Did you like your roses?" All you could manage was a gasp.

You and Steve had fallen asleep holding onto each other by the time Clint made it back to your room. When he came back in and took in the two of you sleeping away, he snapped a quick picture and smiled.  He walked over and kissed your head."I'm so glad your happy (y/n). After all these years you deserve it. Take good care of her for me Cap." Clint whispered, heading home for the night, leaving you and Steve to sleep in peace knowing you were in good hands.

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