Chapter 13

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Elena POV

How does this vampire know i am missing a necklace... my mothers necklace. A part of me is suspicious and apart of me doesn't care, i just want it back. The tears come forth without my permission and before they can spill over i rapidly blink my eyes hoping to dry them away quickly. I can't be weak in this moment... in the arms of a Vampire.

"Well beautiful, are you ready to talk now?"

I don't trust my voice yet and give a slight nod in response. 

"Promise to control your mutts?"

EXCUSE ME what did he call them!?... I narrow my eyes at him... "DON'T call them that!.. They have names!"

He has the audacity to roll his eyes... "Yes i'm sure they do, now do you promise?"

"You are so frustrating... but yes"

"Wonderful".. his smile is as alluring as it is annoying in this moment. 

"Hang onto me dear"

This vampire is far to flirtatious that i'm not sure how to respond or deal with him. Yet my heart always seems to respond to his flattery... i wrap my arms around his torso pressing my own into his. The close contact effects my heart once again and this time i begin to feel warm as if i'm already standing next to the campfire down below. How odd.. 

His soft chuckle causes me to roll my eyes wishing he'd get on with it already. 

I grip onto him for dear life the moment he jumps off the tree branch. The moment my feet touch the ground i push away from him feeling relieved as i can now breathe. Being in his arms was borderline suffocating.. but if i'm being honest the whole ordeal was confusing. 

Once i hear Chestnut and Halo's growling i run towards them both. "No... Enough"

I drop to my knees near Halo but don't dare touch her wounded self. My hand pets Chestnut's head instead as he softly nudges my shoulder. Tears brim my eyes as i scan Halo's body, right off the bat i count 4 slashes to her body that are covered with dirt and leafs. Her body twitches every so often, i'm sure from the pain. 

I softly reach out my hand to her which she responds to with her gentle licks. 

"Oh Halo.."... "I'm so sorry this happened"... 

One, two and so on the tears fall from my eyes uncontrolled. My heart hurts seeing Halo's condition. 

Chestnut suddenly begins growling defensively looking behind me at him.

"Don't come any closer... we can talk from where you stand"..i sniffle as i speak. I'm sure i don't sound very threatening at the moment but this pain i feel for Halo won't ease up. 

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