Chapter Eight

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Something to Do

I can see I was scared that the scene was real, but I couldn't let myself get corrupted by him. I wouldn't let him control me.

You know nothing! You just watched your family die and you did nothing! You did nothing! I look at the beast before me.

Not my whole family. It's cold and harsh. I know that. But I also knew that Alex was the only family that I loved. If that was real, he's the only one that I'm going to miss.

Söluaðilinn turns his cloaked head and I know what he is. He is a master manipulator. He is the reason there is hate. Söluaðilinn is the reason that some people are serial killers and others are just normal.

Then another scene flashes before me. One that seems much better than the last. I sit in a chair at the end of the table tapping a knife, engraved with my initials, against a plait. I look at the Kade that sits across from me. The tips of his hair were dyed a vibrant red and a tattoo marked his skin. The tattoo was something I had never seen before. It looked like a chinese symbol. But what it said, I didn't know.

"What did you think of the last victim?" Kade asked me, and I smile.

I opened my mouth to say something, my black lip-stick lips curled back. "I thought that she deserved it. I thought that she was worth the kill. Thank you for letting me do it this time. I was getting tired of watching from the sidelines. So, thanks." Dream-me leaned in for a kiss and I watch with hatred as this version of me loves Kade. I hate this person that died her hair blue and got her lip pierced. I hate this version of me that wears clothes that don't cover anything, boots that would never work for running. I hate this killer version of me that lets this happen.

Söluaðilinn's eyes me with, then he laughs. Do you think that this is bad? Do you think that this hate that fills you is more than you've ever felt? You're wrong. If you were with him, if you let me keep you like this, you would blossom in a way you couldn't control. I will show you. Let me show you. My eyes filled with tears. I have lost something that I have never had. I have gone for a person who can never truly love.

No. I look at the ground and see the salty tear, that lingered on my lid, fall to the ground. Everything fades away.

You have to! Kade needs you! Kade needs you to be corrupt! Kade, think about Kade. I look at the glimmering in Söluaðilinn's eyes. See something that I was scared of. Söluaðilinn's fear.

No. I won't do it. I won't let you. Looking away, I try to find a way to escape. I try to find a way out of this place, but I see nothing, not even the ground below my feet or the sky above my head. I am faced once again with Kade and dream-me as I try to find a way out.

There is no way out. There is no way to get out of here. The only way for you to leave is for you to say that you'll come with me. The beastly look within Söluaðilinn's eyes once again terrifies me. Makes my bone harden in turn. I hurt all over, I feel nothing and everything all at once. Flying into something new, falling into the same old habits.

No. I would rather die here than say yes to you. I spit at his feet and move my legs in a way that would make running look shameful. In this motion, I manage to wake up.

Finding myself on the earth, I squirm. I have something to do. I have to stop Kade.

I walk into the house, finding Mom and Dad arguing again. Typical. Dad got drunk and got into a fistfight with the boss, hence getting fired. He was playing a joke on me in Alex's room, thought that being high would have covered being an asshole. Smiling, I run upstairs to find Alex sitting on the bed. No blood, no death, just perfect little Alex.

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