Intoxicated Lover

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how they treat you when you're under the influence of alcohol
w a r n i n g s
mentions of dubcon and noncon

Risotto is not one to take advantage of others, so despite being overly possessive and controlling of you, he refuses to take advantage of you while you're drunk. As you finish your glass of a brightly colored beverage, you can feel yourself tumbling over backwards. In the nick of time, he wraps one of his arms around your lower back and props you against his side.
"You could use some sleep... And a breath mint.."

Proscuitto, unlike Risotto, believes he owns your body and as your self-proclaimed lover he feels it is his right to take advantage of your drunken haze. You're dizzy and losing sight of your consciousness before you're even done with your drink, you can feel his arms slink around your waist as he pulls you onto his lap. You're really not in the mood but you can't even see straight, let alone fight off a mafioso, so you succumb to his unsavory touches.

Pesci is well aware that his behaviors have already taken a toll on your well-being, he doesn't need to give you another reason to hate him by touching you without your consent. You can feel your daze set in as the warm lights in Pesci's livingroom merge together. He can see your wits start to fade from your face as you slowly slump over, he decides to carry you up to your bedroom. He kisses your forehead and lays you on your stomach just in case you get sick in the night and leaves you to rest.

Illuso frankly doesn't care about what you want, it's all about him. So what if drunk consent doesn't count? In his mind yes is yes. As you down your fourth drink, the booze really starts to kick in. Illuso notices this and lunges toward you, groping and pinching at your body, he starts to remove your clothes and lead you away from the bar in the corner of his livingroom. Leading you up to your bedroom, you start to push him away from your mental discomfort. Although you're drunk, you still have a clue that this isn't what you want. Your words slur out in a jumbled mess rolling off of your tongue rather than a coherent demand to let you go.
"I know, I know, you want it just as much as I do~."

Ghiaccio is a smart man, he's well aware that drunk consent does not count and your intoxicated state shouldn't be taken advantage of. He exercises his knowledge when it becomes hard for you to sit up straight. He sighs as he gets up to retrieve a glass of water for you and decides to sit you down on the couch and read aloud to you in an attempt to put you to sleep before you become obnoxious and hard to handle.

Although he wishes to, he restrains himself from taking advantage of you. A lot like Pesci in the sense that he knows that he would only make things worse for you despite having the overwhelming urge to do so. Sipping on your glass, you feel yourself unravel. You start becoming nervous, Melone isn't very strong physically, but there's no way you could muster the strength to do it when you're in this state. You feel his hands travel up and down your sides and you brace yourself, terrified of what's going to happen next. But to your surprise, his hands don't go past your hips as he gently guides you away from the counter and towards your bedroom. His voice is soft and warm, his nose brushing against your ear.
"Please lay down for a bit, mio caro/a, I'll get you some water and medicine."

He doesn't really care about your rights as a human being but doesn't do it everytime. If he's in the mood, it doesn't matter what you're comfortable with. Downing your drink, you place the now empty glass down on the countertop, your vision became blurred two drinks ago but now you couldn't even string together a coherent sentence. You feel Formaggio's eyes pierce your figure and you suddenly become aware. You snap your head towards him and a deep throaty chuckle escapes his lips.
"Everything's alright, darlin'. We can take it easy tonight."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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