Chapter Two

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     My breath comes out in pants as my mind races with what to say. I close my eyes taking in a couple of deep breaths.

     "I...I-I'm alright," I whimper.

     I watch as he wipes the blood off his hand into his clothes. He sighs, running a hand through his long hair. He begins to undo my restraints. His soft fingers lightly caress my wrists as he removes the ropes. Once I'm released I bring my hands to my chest running my fingers over the raw flesh. The man offers me a hand pulling me to my feet. My legs tremble beneath me but the man continues to hold me upright.

I glance curiously at my savior. His face is contorted in anger, while he looks around the cellar.

     "I have taken care of them, my lord," a light female voice sounds from behind the man.

     He turns around, allowing me to glimpse the woman who spoke. But the creature that greets me is no woman. She is tall, with skin and hair that are as dark as charcoal and has large pointed ears like that of a bat. Her facial features are hard to make out except for her eyes which are pure white. She has long and slender limbs, and her hands are adorned with white claws.

I have never laid eyes on such a dreadful creature.

     "That is good to hear, help me get these humans into the carriages so we can take them to the manor," the man commands.

Peering past the strange woman I see the bloodied corpse of my captor laying in the gravel. His soulless eyes stare back into my own causing me to cower back. The man shifts to look at me, then glimpses at the dead body.

"You are safe now, he can no longer harm you, I will return you, and the others here to where you came from," he assures me.

"A-Alright," I murmur.

The man takes me by the hand gently leading me out of the cellar. Has this man really come to save me? If so it's only right I thank him.

"May I...I ask for your name m'lord?"

"You may call me Pyotr," he replies.

"Thank you for s...saving me m'lord," I say gratefully.

"No need to thank me I am simply performing my duty as a lord," he dismisses.

"B...B-But you still helped me," I whimper meeting Pyotr's fierce gaze.

Pyotr doesn't answer me he simply guides me out of the cellar, and to a carriage helping me in. He steps into the carriage with me, but avoids my gaze by looking out the window. I cast my eyes down starring at the peeled flesh on my wrists.

The silence weighs heavy around us. Taking a deep breath a look at Pyotr.

"A-Are you a dark elf?" I ask.

Pyotr turns to look at me letting out a soft sigh.

"No I am a blood Fae," he states.

My mind spins at those words. I clench my fists as my body starts shivering. I got away from one monster just to end up with another. Tears prick my eyes, and I take in deep breaths trying to keep them from falling.

"S-So you're a vampire. Does this mean I...I-I'm going to d-die," I wobble out.

Pyotr's eyes narrow as he scoffs.

"Why would you think that?" He growls almost sounding offended.

"B-Because everyone knows that a...all vampires are good for is killing," I murmur as tears slide down my face.

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