Chapter Five

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My eyes widen for a moment. Well at first I only said I wanted to help out of panic. But I can't watch this happen to anyone else.

     "M'lord I-I have watched several people from my village d-disappeared over the past couple of months. I believe's the vampires doing it. I am t...tired of living in fear so if I can help I-I would like to," I tell him.

     "Your village has been targeted for a while you say?" He asks folding his hands in front of him.

     "Yes, m'lord."

     "Where might your village be located, Miss Clara?" He asks.

     I tilt my head trying to remember the exact location of my village.

     "M-My village is on the southern b-border of Samirya," I say.

     I watch as Pyotr runs a hand through his long hair. The shadows and candlelight cast on him from the chandelier makes his skin glow. He shifts in his seat, and the light figures dance across his face.

     "If it's on the southern border that makes a lot of sense. I am truly sorry that your home has been a target for such things. If I may ask how was it you were caught miss Clara?"

     My muscles clench in discomfort. The day I was taken was roughly a month ago. I had lived in that cellar for weeks before my captor revealed himself. I fidget as my mind goes back to the day I was taken.


     My hands throb from the splintering bucket handle. I heave in heavy breaths as I approach my cottage. The sound of mother's voice rings out loudly.

     "She's nearly twenty-three and still unmarried what are we to do Edward," I hear mother cry out.

     I shiver and tense hearing my mother once again mention my marriage.

     "She's still young dear give it time," father urges.

     Setting the water bucket down I lean closer to the door attempting to hear better.

     "It is time!" Mother shouts.

     "I was married at sixteen! She's going to be an old maid at this point!" She shrieks.

     "Beth our daughter isn't going to be an old maid she just hasn't met the right man," father replies.

     My breath catches and I place a hand over my mouth to keep from making a sound.

     "You know what the problem is Edward it's her damn stutter. No one wants a defective wife," mother shouts.

     My eyes start to blur with tears. Was my stutter really so bad that no one wants me? I blink holding my eyes closed for several seconds. My tears glide down my face dripping onto my clothes.

     "Elizabeth our daughter is not defective!" Father argues.

     "Then explain to me why she hasn't received a single marriage proposal?" Mother fires back.

     Loose strands of my hair begin to stick to my wet face. As my tears continue, the collar of my dress begins to dampen. I wipe my face across my arm, fighting to hold my tears in.

"Beth... please just give it more time," father pleads.

"More time? Why should I give her more time when Frank has offered to take her as his mistress," mother shouts.

The world begins to close in around me. What... she wants to sell me off? How could she? I collapse onto the floor burying my face in my hands.

My parents are quiet for serval moments.

"Frank is old enough to be Clara's grandfather Beth," father screams. The rage in his voice cuts through the air like a hit knife.

"At least she will have a man to take care of her," mother cries out.

"I will not sell my daughter to some old man," father argues.

"Well Edward it's too late I've already promised her to Frank. I knew you'd refuse but he offered to pay well. I want to make sure our daughter doesn't spend her life alone," mother says.

I can't... I can't believe mother would do this to me. I begin to stand using the door to pull myself up. The wooden door creaks under my weight suddenly falling open. I stumble into the room with my parents.

They halt their argument turning to look at me. Mother's face goes pale as she gazes at me.

"How long have you been there Clara," she questions.

"L-Long enough t-to know that you want to sell me," I murmur.

"Please Clara, you must understand it's for your own good," she tries to convince me.

Standing up I fold my arms across my chest. Hanging my head, my hair falls over my face.

"B-Being sold? How is t-that for my own good?" I question.

Mother reaches out trying to catch me by the arm but I step away from her.

"I think I-I'm going to leave mother, I-I... I'm clearly not wanted here," I wobble. My voice strains as I try to keep my tears at bay.

"And where will you go, Clara? You have no one to take you in," mother argues.

"A-Anywhere but here is fine with m-me," I shout.

Turning I run away from the cottage. The shouts and pleas of my parents ring from behind me. But I don't care I just keep moving forward.

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