Chapter Two - Thats The Way The World Crumbles.

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My alarm started to beep and my head felt like a drum. How much did we drink? "Oh god, what the hell happened?" I said forcing myself to sit up. I looked around the room at my friends, slowly remembering how we had got there. Aerith was slumped against the wall along with Senpai and a bottle of tequila. Mako passed out on the floor beside Rekishi and Fallennerd was slumped against the bed. I pushed myself to my feet slowly, wincing at the pain in my head. "Oh Christ. I thought FriedPug was only for FanFiction." I said seeing Pug and Friedchicken spooning on the bed. I shook my head and chuckled only to find out that was a bad idea so I staggered to my case for some paracetamol and water. I grabbed the pills from my bag and took them with a drink and decided I'd go get us all breakfast before anyone else woke up. I slipped my shoes on, swiped a key from the table and slid out the door as quietly as I could.

The hall was quiet and dark, there was no lighting on so I assumed it must either be down or morning. I started to walk slowly towards the stairs feeling more than a but tender. I pushed the door to the stairs and heard the lift beep on my floor. Deciding to be last I stepped into the lift and pushed the button for the ground floor. The lift jolted down and started it's descent, meanwhile I started to hum something to myself. A song I couldn't remember the name of but I remembered hearing. I could remember it was about Texas in some way.... What was it? As the lift binged and the doors started to open I remember "Dead Walker Texas Ranger!!" I shouted in triumph. The doors of the lift opened. I was greeted with hell.

The floor, once had a cream carpet, a carpet that was now stained crimson in patches. The receptionist from last night was kind of.... Everywhere. Bits were here and there but I couldn't say for sure it was her. The walls were caked with the same crimson that dirtied the floor and there was a solitary figure hunched in the lobby. It slowly started to turn to stare at me and as it did I caught a glimpse of something in front of it. It faced me and stood up, staring at me. It's eyes were dead. It's face was expressionless and it's mouth was covered in blood. It was the twisted creature if nightmares and it was standing right in front of me. I stood frozen. Panic stricken. It took a loose step towards me and I saw exactly what had been hidden. It was the top half, or what remained of the too half if the receptionist. Her face was frozen in an expression of absolute terror and agony. I screamed, backing up to the wall of the elevator. I stepped forward and jammed the buttons for any floor. Amy floor but this floor would do. The creature was now in the door of the lift, I lifted my foot and pushed it backwards as the doors closed over.

The lift started to rise. I didn't know what floor I was going to but I knew I had to get back to the room and warn the others. The lift stopped abruptly and the red warning light came on. I had to be half way up to the first floor, I only needed to get to the there and I could reach my room. I looked for a hatch on the lift, and unlike the movies there wasn't one. Instead I gripped one of the doors and pulled it as hard as I could. At first I felt nothing, but then it slowly started to move scraping loudly as it did. I pulled until there was enough room for me to fit out, and found that I was almost at the first floor. There was a slight gap between the lift and the floor and I climbed up and squeezed through. I hauled myself into the hallway of my floor, stood up and bolted for my room. I turned the corner and ran for the door, slamming into it. I pulled the key out of my pocket with shaking hands and slid It into the reader. It didn't work. I tried again, and again but the light was off. The power for the building had gone and the locks had gone with it. I heard a door creak open down the hallway and watched as another one of the creatures from the lobby shuffled out and stared at me.

I panicked and started pounding on the door, shouting. They were all asleep and I could only hope they heard me. There was nowhere to run here, the hallway ended down this corridor and it would catch me if I moved towards it. I begged any of the gods that might be listening to open this door. "Open the door! Open the god damned door" I shouted as the creature ebbed closer towards me. It was almost within touching distance now, and my hammering on the door was becoming even more frantic. The creature touched my side as the lock of the door clicked. I pushed straight through the door, turned and slammed it shut again. Panting, I leaned against the door for support. "Zack, what the hell are you doing?" Senpai asked. "There's this thing and it attacked the receptionist and there was another one out there and it attacked me and tried to kill me and there's blood everywhere!!" I said trembling. "What?" Pug asked. "We need to leave. Right now." I said. Senpai turned and unlocked the door. "Okay then I'm leaving, bye" they said. "DONT!" I shouted. Too late.

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