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Walking through the halls to her class I can't help but wonder if it'd be better for me to just go home, email the University and request a class transfer but all I have to do is get through 57 more days and today of course so it's really not worth it. Is it?

You're here now, just go in. And with that last thought, I push through the doors, immediately avoiding eye contact with my professor. I awkwardly look over the lecture hall trying to find Tessa, she's not here. Shit.

The one day I'd rather die than sit in front of her and I have to do it alone.

"Could everyone hurry up and sit down so we can get started," Professor Romanoff calls out. Silently I find my seat, like the rest of my class, along with the late-comers who are only just strolling in.

Most of the time heavy stares on my body go unnoticed by myself. Well, not so much unnoticed but more so unbothered, if someone staring I normally leave them be and let them stare. I couldn't care less but when it's her and the mere feeling of her green eyes on my person forces my heart rate to skyrocket, my mind can't help but push me to cause havoc. Push her further, question her behaviour more, see just how far I can go. Test her.

As to be expected professional clothes hug her perfectly. Her hair has been twisted back loosely and effortlessly. The odd strand of hair falling, framing her face in auburn waves.

There's something notably satisfying about the way the red brings out the green in her eyes which seems to complement her deep-red tinted lips more.

Her eyes fall on mine. I can't read her expression she doesn't look happy, or sad, or at all sorry for the way she treated me. I look back her emotionlessly.

Maybe she doesn't realise that what she said had hurt me, kicking me out like that or maybe she does know and that was her intention. Perhaps it'd be smart for me to just let it go instead of dwelling on the behaviour of my teacher. It'd be the right thing to do.

Between giving her lecture and flicking through the PowerPoint her eyes land on mine once more. "Focus," she mouths to me, or at least that's what I think she's saying. I nod my head.

The second time she starts mouthing things to me I can't tell what she's saying. I furrow my brows "what?" I mouth.

She shakes her head rolling her eyes "nevermind," she mouths. By now the class has finished writing their notes and begin to pay attention once more and so just like that she takes her intimidating focus away from me and back to the class.

There isn't anything all that interesting or intriguing going so naturally, I'm finding it difficult to focus especially when my mind is so busy as it is, constantly plagued with Natasha.

As the old bell rings and students rise, throwing their bags over their shoulders I debate waiting behind to talk to her, but I don't. Slowly I drag my heels behind the crowd of students trying to leave through the small doors.

"Y/N can I see you for a moment?" She calls my name. I ignore her. "Y/N!" She says more sternly this time. I stop walking and turn around. I wait to hear the door finally swing shut and the footsteps and chatter to fall to silence before I take another step towards her.

"Yes Miss Romanoff," I frown sourly.

"I'm sorry for shouting yesterday," she says plainly. I nod my head. My eyes drop to the carpet beneath my feet and then up to her eyes as I take a few steps closer to her.

"Sorry for what you said or how you said?" I question.

"I won't apologies for making our boundaries clear, I'm your teacher, you're my student. I will however apologise for yelling."

60 Days With Professor Romanoff - In The Dark -Where stories live. Discover now