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It's been longer than I'd care to admit since I'd let someone else touch me, I just haven't really trusted anyone until now.

I squirm as she continues to tease me in ways I hadn't expected her to have the confidence to do. I watch her fingers delicately dancing over my lace underwear.

"Natasha look at me," I hear her whispers. I stay mesmerised by her hand skilfully slipping into my underwear.

Her free hands traces along my shoulder as she kisses my neck. I feel the elastic of my bra strap lightly slap against my skin as she pulls it back and let's go. "I asked you to look at me," she mutters between kisses.

I nod my head as I look at her. "Kiss me," she whispers as she leans into me. I comply with no ounce of hesitation. I bite her lip, pulling it gently as we separate.

I hold on to her hand between my thighs. She looks up at me smiling "did you want something more?" She asks condescendingly as she pushes two fingers inside of me. My body jolts. It's hard not to make a sound as she curls her fingers repetitively.

"Don't be shy let me hear how much you like this," she teases as I groan.

I stop holding back my moans as she speeds up "shit Y/N... mph," I grab her shoulders gripping them tightly to hold myself up. Crescent moon shapes form on her back as I hold her.

Between the contact I've been missing all this time and her strange ability to understand how I like things done my high comes crashing faster, harder and longer than it has in a long time.

My legs feel weak as she continues to curl her fingers at the same relentless speed even after my orgasm. "Y/N, Y/N- I..." my eyes roll back as she pulls me through my second orgasm "I can't," I pant breathlessly.

She slowly pulls her fingers out. I suck in a sharp breath as she runs her fingers over my clit. Already far too sensitive my body jolts "I can't," I repeat.

"It's okay... I'm just teasing but for the record," she looks at her dripping hand "I think you could handle it." My breath traps in the back of my throat.

Of course I could handle it, I could handle it a thousand times from her but she doesn't need to know the effect she has on me.

I collapse down onto my desk chair. Y/N drops to her knees in front of me. She slips off my heels, smiling. She kisses her way up my legs between my thighs.

"Y/N..." I warn her "Y/N."

She slides my underwear out of her way "I made this mess of you let me clean it up."

I groan as I lace my hand through her hair while she kisses me all over, cleaning the dripping down my thighs.

I subconsciously push my legs further apart as the softness of her kisses start to take effect on me, soothing the sensitivity replacing it with pleasure.

"You're gonna have to stop that Y/N... Please," even despite my best efforts my plesding comes out much more like a whine than I'd like.

"You want me stop?" she says as she pulls back.

"Umhum." I breathe heavier.

She rests her hands on my thighs squeezing them slightly. I push my thighs further apart as I push her head back down to me.

She swirls her tongue over my clit, I grip her hair tighter pulling on it as I do so forcing a groan from her, sending vibrations through my body.

I cover my mouth to silence my cries as my orgasm hits even harder than the previous two, my legs shake around her head.

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