My queen and My littlest princess

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"She is a absolute doll baby." Clair says as she holds Leah.

"I know. I can't get over her beauty. " I say looking at leah yawn in Clair's arm.

"I'm surprised that Opie left the house today. I know he hasn't wanted to be away from her." Clair says rubbing Leah's soft cheeks with her index finger.

"Yeah, when Jax called this morning he wasn't to thrilled to leave but he will do anything for the club that doesn't endanger his family." I tell he as i look down at Harley, who is playing with a black Harley motorcycle toy.

"Juice was the same way when Harley was born. He didn't want to leave. He was so afraid that he would miss something out something would happen to us while he was gone."

"It's hard being in the life they have and have a family." I say as leah starts to fuss. "You remember how dad acted." I say as Clair rocks Leah.

"Yeah and you see what happened to that basterd." She said as i walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle for leah.

"We just have to trust them and let them do their thing." I say as i return to the living room as Clair hands Leah to me. "Here we go baby girl."

"You are so good with her." Clair says a she relaxes into the couch.

"Lots of practice." I joke as i hear the door open.

"Jess?" I hear Opie say as the door closes.

"We are in the living room." I say in a quiet yell as i notice Leah dosing off.

"Why are yall being so..." Opie trails off walking into the living room see Leah asleep in my arms still sucking on the bottle.

"Look at her. She is so perfect just life my other kids." Opie says looking down at Leah over my shoulder as he takes his cutt off.

"What do Ellie and Kenny think of the baby?"

"They have seemed a little overwhelmed lately but I think they will get used to it. They have been staying at their grandmother's since I went into the hospital." I tell her as i lay the bottle on the table and place leah against my shoulder to burp her.

"Ma called earlier and said she is bringing the kids over tonight because Kenny has been whiney because he wants to come home." Opie says as he takes Leah and sits next to Clair on the couch. He lays her on his chest as she sleeps and he relaxes into the couch.

"You look so comfortable like that." Clair jokes as he moves his hair and beard out of Leah's way.

"This was the only i could get Ellie to go to sleep when she was this little." He says smiling. I smile back as Harley drives his toy motorcycle up Opie's leg.


"Hey Ope can you carry Kenny to bed, he fell asleep on the couch watching wrestling." I explain while rocking Leah as i walk into the bedroom.

"Yeah, i will get him." He says as he kisses me on the top of the head and walks into the living room.

"Alright, baby girl it's time to lay down for a little while so mommy can get some sleep." I say quietly as i walk over to the cradle we have next to the bed. I gently lay her in the cradle then walk down the hall to Kenny's room. As i step through the door way I see Opie kneeling next to Kenny's bed then he kisses his forehead.

"Goodnight little man." He says as he softly pats his back and turns around to find me in the doorway.

"He looks so precious."

"They are all cute when they are asleep." Opie jokes as he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses me on top of the head.

"To bad Ellie decided to stay with a friend tonight, she didn't get to meet her new sister." I say as Opie gently closes the door.

"She is a kid. They do thing you dont want them to do."

"I still wish she would have came tonight so we could have the entire family under one roof." I say as i sit on the bed while next to him.

"Honey, they are children and they will do what they want. She wil be home tomorrow night and spend the night." He says as he rubs his hand up and down my back.

"Yeah, I'll just have to learn to coop with it. I just can not get used to them being independent." I say looking over at Leah.

"It's ok baby. Let's just go to sleep and enjoy the day tomorrow. We will have a day out as a family." He tells me as he softly plants as kiss on my shoulder as his hair drapes over my shoulder.

"Ok, let's go to-" I start to sat as Leah starts crying.

"It's got her." Opie say as he softly cradles her into his bare chest after getting her out of her cradle. He starts humming Patients by Guns N Roses. I lay on my back listening to him hum to her and drift off to sleep with a large smile on my face.


"Can we go see the monkeys, daddy?" Kenny asks as he grabs Opie's hand and starts pulling him toward the monkeys.

"Whoa, we have to wait for your mom and sisters." Opie tells an eager Kenny as he places him up on his shoulders.

"Were coming." I say pushing a stroller and dragging a upset teen that is glued to her phone through the crowded zoo.

"Come on!" Kenny yells as he holds on to Opie.

"The monkeys are not going anywhere." Ellie says from behind me.

"We are just a few minutes away from them." I tell him as we meet up together. As we reach the monkey cage kenny's face lite uo like away christmas tree.

"Hey, Kenny, now that we have seen the monkeys do you think we should give Jess her present?" Opie asks kenny but looks at Ellie. Kenny shakes his head up and down.

"Ok, I'm going to let you down so you can give it to her. Reminder is in your pocket." Opie says as he sits Kenny down. I watch add he digs through his pocket for my present. He soon presents me with a paper that reads "I know I'm cute but look behind me and you will find the surprise of your life. " I look away from the paper and find Kenny standing next to Opie knealing down on one knee. I cover one my mouth with one hand and good onto the stroller with the other.

"Jessica Taylors will you do me the honor and become my queen and help take care of my monkys?" Opie says pulling a little black box out of his cutt. "Every day since the day Half Sack and i picked you up from the airport i haven't been able to keep my eyes of you."


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