The big day

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Destinys POV
I'm in my room cleaning. I'm 9 months now and due this week. I was folding cloths when all of a sudden there's a pain in my side." Whoa there "I said.i sit on the bed holding my side. " sissy is everything okay" August asks standing at the door. " yea go and get mommy for me please" I say. he runs off. "okay deep breaths"i say to myself I have to stay still hasn't come what's taking so long. I feel another pain."MOM" I yell. I can't take it anymore. I stand up and wobble go the door. " mom" I yell again. she comes running up the steps. " what took so long" I ask. " I had to get Eli food and Andrew wanted a snack to" she said. " okay well I'm in pain" I say as a small squeal escapes my mouth. "I think the baby's coming " I say taking deep breaths. " Krystall stay here with the boys in taking her to the hospital" Mariska says. dad comes over and helps me to the car. he jumps in the driver seat and moms in the passenger seat. we pull up to the hospital."okay lets go have a baby" mom says. "uh hello my daughter has gone in to labor and yea" dad says. The nurse wheeled me to the room. " mom dad I love you" I yell down the hall way. when I reach the room the nurse says I'm 5 in dilated. "would you like your family to come in" the nurse asked. " well duh I'm not gonna sit here my self" I say. the nurse gives me a look. "hey how's it going" mom asks while walking in. " okay I've been better" I say. which is a lie. " I hope you don't mind but I brought over some more family". wait more. kelli ice t Danny and Raul walk in. " hey " I say I'm too weak. " mom we're dad and Krystall and the boys" I say. " oh dad went to get them". I feel a contraction coming. "ah Oooo oooo " I say mom grabs my hand. " omg Can I ease have this baby already". i say. " hey do you know what your having yet" Danny asks. " no I wanted it to be a surprise" I say. "okay let's see how far you are" the nurse says. "okay so your 7 inches dismayed and we have to get to ten so you have a while before you can push" she says. omg I'm on a kill this nurse. "really is there anything you can give me for the pain" I say with sass. " no because if your age" she says back with a tude. " nurse if I wasn't in labor I would smack the shit out of you" I say she's really pissing me off "nurse I would get out before she does hit you"kelli says. "Krystall" I say sitting up. "destiny how you feeling" she says laughing. " I feel like I have a brick I. Me" I say back. I don't know what I would do with out her. " well were gonna head out we'll come back later" kelli Danny ice and Raul say. the doctor comes in. " okay your about 10 in dialated and your ready to push can I have only the mother in here please" he asks. everyone leaves but mom. " Let's have a baby" mom says holding my hand. " 1..2..3..push okay again 1...2...3..push one more" the doctor said. " I can't mom I can't" I say it hurts so bad. "one more big push destiny" mom says "1...2...3.. Push" he says I push as hard as I can. I don't hear anything then a baby sequel. " congratulation it's a girl" I hold my baby. " have you found a name destiny" mom asks. " yea kelli Ann meloni "

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