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Author's Note:Main Titles - Batman: Under The Red Hood OST



Jason's P.O.V

"NEXT STOP, LEBANON STATION! Gather all items before leaving the traincar, and have your ticket..."

The conductor's voice broke through the old intercoms. Each word caught harsh radio interference, but I tuned it out.

I tuned everything out now and days.

All I needed to know is that I was here, and far away from the city I once called home...and everything else that resided there.

There was NO WAY I'd ever go back to that city. Ever. Batsy and his possy would have to drag me their themselves...and I wouldn't exactly go easily.

My grasp grappled onto the large, black, and bulky duffle bag to my left. Its strap felt coarse across my finger tips, but the tough texture was nothing across the palm of my fingerless gloves.

The train began to slow, brake lines screeching to a gradual halt. The noise was harsh, and caused me to cringe from the high pitched squeal of grinding metal.

I stood up, and as I did, swung the duffle bag to perch on my shoulder. Its heavy, weighed me down slightly, but I've carried heavier. A lot, heavier.

As I situated, my gaze turns to the window across from where I was sitting. It stopped me in my tracks, and stalled my departure. I couldn't recognize the person who stared back...stark white hair replaced the front half of what used to be my prominent locks of ebony. A large scar runs from the left corner of my mouth, and ended just underneath where my eye was.




The dark green windows to my soul show it all. Everything I felt, I experienced, all of it could be discovered within a brief interlock of eye contact.

I tore away from the reflection's hold on me, and reach back to pull over the red hood resting on my shoulders. It flipped over my hair, and leaves only my face open for curious viewers.

The doors to the train opened, and I stepped off onto the platform. People walk passed, some turn their heads...but most eventually stray away. I blended into an oncoming group of passerbys...I knew where I was going, but I had to make sure it didn't look suspicious to any prying eyes out there.

'They don't know I'm here. I'm perfectly safe to conduct business as usual. All I have to do is find Ra's' contact and I'll be set...'

Said contact is one Bobby Singer, a known Hunter among the rings of the business. Ra's Al Ghul has always been one for the...supernatural affairs, and let me in on the big secret.

Werewolves, vampires, demons, the whole nine yards - they existed. And they're worse then any other lowlife I've put down. Halloween night in Gotham was child's play compared to this...only this time, I have no militia to back me up here. And I doubt Slade is ever going to take up a job from me again, since it landed him right in the GCPD lockup.

So, I was on my own.

'I don't want this contact knowing what I look like,' Glancing at the duffle bag, a smirk hinged on my lips. 'I guess I'll just have to take up a different mantle-'


Of course, the split second I stop paying attention, something goes wrong.

The man I accidentally shoulder checked turned to face me, and boy, he wasn't in the best mood - I could already tell.

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