Chapter Two

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Dean's P.O.V


The beer I was holding promptly had its lid popped off and discarded into the trash can.

"You find anything on our local vigilante, Sammy?" I raised the top of the bottle to my lips, and took a quick swig of the man-made ambrosia.

His fingers frantically tapped on the worn down keyboard.

"From what Bobby's told me, our new Hunter goes by the title of 'Arkham Knight'," Sam twists the monitor to face me. I lean over the table, and study the images before me. "Turns out, he's directly responsible for the events in Gotham last Halloween - but here's the real kicker: no one knows who he actually is, or even looks like."

"Ha, ha, ha!" Don't get me wrong, the guy's outfit is definitely nothing to sneeze at, but you could immediately tell that it wasn't exactly an original design. "He looks like a robot version of Batman! Robo-Bat! I'm so callin' 'em Robo-Bat when we finally come face to face."

"Yeah, good luck with that." Sam laughed slightly.

Footsteps echoed through the hallway behind us. I pivoted on my heels, my gaze now landing on the Angel and Nephalim emerging from the corridor.

"Jack! Just the man we wanted to see." I greeted him with a large and welcoming smile. Jack's lips curved in an uplift, now smiling back.

"Hello, Dean."

Castiel patiently waited for our back and forth to simmer down before jumping into the conversation.

"So, what is it you want Jack to do exactly? You sounded urgent on the cellphone, so it must be important," Castiel's crystal blue eyes shifted over Jack's way, the Angel's expression now stern...but I could see the subtle concern sprinkled in it. "I want to go with Jack, just in case."

I glanced over my shoulder, and locked eyes with Sam briefly. Maybe it was a freaky sibling psychic link, or the fact that great minds think alike - but there was an understanding between us...we were on the same page.

"Sorry, Cas, but this guy has Angel Blades. We can't risk losing you, so you're on the bench for this one." I said sternly. The Angel got the message, but still had something to say about it.

Cas looks down, disappointed.

"I understand, but...that doesn't mean I'll have to like it."

"It'll be fine, Cas," Sam started. "What we're planning to do is send in Jack to win over the Arkham Knight's trust. It's a friendly approach - the route with the least amount of risk. Jack, offer up our place to stay at if you need to - just find a common ground. I mean, I doubt you'll need to offer anything, but just in case..."

I nearly choked on my beer as Sam said that last part. That, was definitely not written on the page.

"Woah, woah, slow you're roll there, little brother! I am NOT sharin' my livin' space with that guy, there's no way!"

"Then come up with a better idea," Sam countered my gripe with a stern growl. "It probably won't come to that, but if it does, Jack's got a back up plan to fall on."

Sam then focused his attention on Jack.

"Do you think you can pull it off?"

The Nephilim nodded.

"I am pretty sure I can," Jack then furrowed his brow, now deep in thought. "He sounds very...lost. Like I was when I first arrived. Perhaps we can help him, like how you all helped me."

"Fine. He can stay. But he better not touch the car, or the leftover pie I have in the fridge..."

"Great! We will be on our way."

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