Chapter 1.

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Alp's Pov:


Today I have an event to attend to and I'm not on the mood to be honest. Im just sitting here waiting my manager, watching this new dizi called Meryem. The actress is like an angel and I can't stop looking at her. Those blue eyes are so deep. Her name is Ayça and I feel like I've seen her before. Her acting is beautiful. I deciced to find her instagram and she seems not very active on social media. I wanted to follow her but I gave up.

Minutes later my manager came and we went to the party. As I walked in I saw her on that beautiful black dress. She was even prettier in person. I spent the whole night trying not to look at her and suddenly my manager called me to talk with Meryem's cast. I knew some of them but they were busy the whole night so I kept distance.

Our eyes met as I approached to greet them and for a split second I saw a small smile on her lips. I noticed that time had stopped and so I got back to my senses and approached. Just one soft  hug and two kisses and all her scent was on me. I smell lavender and chocolate. I could not forget her scent. We talked a little and I felt this electrizing connection, she was acting weird and tought she was feeling the same.

When I got home I followed her on instagram. I used to see her posts and thinking what was the reason I was so invested to see everything about her. Months later she never followed back so let go and unfollowed her.


Negotiations for a new project have started, I'm excited to do a summer series. I liked the proposal and the script. Today I'm going to know who are the actresses listed to be my partner. They showed me both options in case the desired actress didn't accept and soon after they showed me her, Ayça. She would be the main protagonist if she accepted it. I didn't know how to react because even after years I still had an unexplained feeling about her. She had just finished recording another dizi and was reluctant to accept a new project.

I made it clear that she should be the first choice.

Over the years I've always heard how cold and distant she was, basically the same way they talked about me. I needed to know what she was really like. Days after the first meeting my mananger called and said that Ayça accepted the project and we would meet in two day to read the script. Two days later a got there and she as sitting under a tree with a cup of coffee and a book. Her hair was a little dark with curls and she had that beautiful natural skin, pink lips . I dont know what she was reading but something made her smile. It was the sweetest smile ever then she noticed me,looked at me and I got lost in her mavi eyes.

I got close to her and smiled again. She came and we greeted each other, she has the same scent, lavander and chocolate "its still the same", the sentence came out of my mouth and pretended I didn't say anything . In just a few minutes talking and she infected the room with her smiles. A beautiful woman with a beautiful smile. Spontaneous and graceful smiles, just like a child. How could she be cold and distant? She's definetly someone that can change someone's life for the better and for some reason I managed to make her laugh all the time and I knew this experience would change my life. Whatever it was she will be involved.

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