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When you have friends they are like family

When you find the friends that stay and don't leave

They are family

Family can't leave you

But when they do leave they will never forget you

Because you put a mark on their heart

A mark that can not be forgotten

Friends may mess around with you but when you are in pain they are there for you

You know you have good friends

When you steal things from their backpacks

When you can slap their back with a hand full of chalk

When you yell their name in the hallways and don't say anything after

When you can insult each other so much it's like your way of saying you love them

When you start drinking from one can of monster and not care

You know when you find those friends

It's like when you know you're sick

But that hard thing to know what kind of friends those are

Because we all get those "fake friends"

The ones who don't care about you

The ones who use you

The ones who use you for your kindness

The ones who will leave you

The ones who hurt you and you call it friendship

Those are the ones who are the worst kinds of friends

It's hard to know what kind of friends are your friends but when you find out

You will be happy

Friends are the best part about family

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