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I stood at the center of the campfire circle, the flames casting dancing shadows across the faces of my friends and mentors. Around me, the seven demigods of the prophecy—Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, and myself—sat in a tense silence, our expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation. Chiron stood nearby, his wise gaze fixed on me, awaiting my recounting of the nightmare that had shaken me to the core.

"I had a dream," I began, my voice steady despite the lingering unease that gnawed at my insides. "It was a prophecy, I think. But everything was vague—shapes, shadows, and this sense of impending danger."

Annabeth shifted beside me, her brow furrowed in concern. "Could it be related to the new threats we've been hearing about? The rise of powerful demigods or monsters?"

I nodded, thankful for her quick understanding. "That's what I'm afraid of. The dream felt... urgent. Like we need to be prepared for something big."

Jason leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. "But are these new kids really threats? We've encountered plenty of demigods who turned out to be allies."

Leo shrugged. "Yeah, but we've also faced our fair share of enemies who pretended to be on our side. Remember Octavian?"

Frank nodded grimly. "We can't afford to ignore the possibility that these new arrivals might be dangerous."

Piper spoke up, her voice calm yet determined. "Maybe we should investigate quietly. Gather information before jumping to conclusions."

Chiron, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. "Indeed, haste can lead to missteps. Percy, your dream may be a warning—a call to vigilance rather than immediate action."

I rubbed my temples, feeling the weight of responsibility settling heavily on my shoulders. "I agree. We should gather intel first. Keep an eye on them, see if they display any signs of hostility or unusual powers."

Hazel glanced around the circle, her expression thoughtful. "And if they are a threat?"

"We'll handle it," Annabeth said firmly, her eyes meeting mine with unwavering confidence. "Together."

The council fell into a contemplative silence, each of us lost in our thoughts, contemplating the potential dangers that lay ahead. The campfire crackled softly, a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded us.

After a moment, I looked up, meeting the gaze of each member of our group in turn. "Alright, we'll proceed cautiously. Keep our eyes and ears open. But we can't afford to let fear cloud our judgment."

Jason nodded, echoing my sentiment. "Agreed. We've faced tough challenges before. We can handle this."

With a collective resolve, we dispersed from the circle, each of us taking on the task of monitoring the new arrivals discreetly. As I walked back to my cabin, the echo of my nightmare lingered—a reminder of the dangers that loomed on the horizon, and the unwavering bond that united us in the face of adversity.

I couldn't shake the feeling that our journey was far from over—that this new threat would test us in ways we hadn't yet imagined. But as long as we stood together, united in purpose and determination, I knew we had a fighting chance to overcome whatever challenges lay ahead in our quest to protect both the mortal world and Camp Half-Blood.

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