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My name is Jacob j. Kagamine. I have short/medium shaggy hair that falls into my eyes. My eyes are an icy blue that seem to never end. I am kinda muscular, being as I have a six pack. I'm about average height and I am not the silent type quite the opposite really. I always speak my mind and I have the muscle to back it up. I am a 'commoner' that has received a scholarship in the arts for a rich person school called ouran high. And that's where this story begins.
I woke up at around 8:40.
I got up and ran slinging my stuff into my bags. Being as I didn't buy the school uniform I wore what I usually were. A dark beanie, tight at the legs lose at the waist jeans with chains hanging from them, I wore a black shirt with a skull on it and a leather jacket. Yep typical punk/skater/emo dude.

"Yo ma, I really love Ya but I gotta go!"

"Fine" I ran into the kitchen grabbed a waffle (a/n WAFFEELLSSS) and kissed ma on the cheek.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by WWAAAAAAFFEEEEEELLLLLSSSSS~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I walked around looking for a place to study. Yeah let's go with that, study. That's a good alibi, gotta remember that.
I walked around but everywhere was full until I walked into music room #3

I done fucked up.

I saw rose petals drifting towards me. A couple of them hit me in the face and I spit them out.
"The hell is this place" I muttered.

"Welcome to ouran host club " a blond said enthusiastically. "Huh, a guy?"

"Ok one, way to enthusiastic. Two I'm just looking for a place to....study, yeah let's go with that. " I muttered the last part to myself. When I said it though the dude with the glasses raised an eyebrow.

"Hikaru, kaoru this visitor is in the same class as you, right?" Sir glasses asked.

"Yes, but he doesn't talk so we don't know him well." The two twins who I now know as Hikaru and kaoru spoke in synch.
"Well it's impolite to say it like that, welcome to ouran host club honor student."

Yeah yeah I'm an honor student hey I'm a bad kid not a bad student.

"What so this is the new exceptionally rare bad boy honor student commoner Jacob kagamine then?" The king of flamboyancy asked shocked.

"Um are you a stalker cause I don't remember telling you my name dude. I mean I'm good looking and all but..." I trailed off a teasing tone in my voice. But it 'twas a real question how the hell did they know my name and how the hell did I already have a reputation here?

"It's just that school tradition makes it hard for commoners to get in let alone become an honor student." Sir notebook spoke.

"Thanks dude I guess." I was throughly weirded out by now.

"Well in any case welcome to our world of beauty poor man. " sir idiot said way to enthusiastically.

"Bye" I was annoyed and I wanted to leave.

"HEY jake-chan your a hero!" A nine year old ran up to me.

"Don't call me that" I said I was pissed and this ankle biter wasn't helping.

"To think that such a erudite student to be gay..." Blondie spoke up.

I kinda wanna wring his neck.

"What's your preference? The wild type?" He said pointing to a taaaaallllll guy. He didn't strike me as wild more like the strong silent type but whatever floats his boat.

"The boy Lolita type?" He said pointing to the nine year old. Ok I have to admit he was kinda adorable but waaaaayyy to what's the word? Naive? Oh well I'll figure it out later.

"The little devil type?" He said pointing to the twins.

"The cool type?" He said gesturing towards sir glare a lot. I got more of a come near me I'll bite your face off then a cool type. Oh well.

"Yo, dude I'm not like that..." But of course I was ignored. Damn flamboyant idiot.

"Oh maybe" he said placing his hand under my chin, "you'd like to try me? How bout it?"

And that's when I threw him across the room.

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