●Pitch Black●

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Your the shapeshirter agian btw so the horse

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Your the shapeshirter agian btw so the horse

You are Pitch's special nightmare

"Oh, I thought I heard a clipity clop of a unicorn" Pitch laughs as he watches the unicorn prance around the little girls head.

"What an adorable dream, and look at her. Precious child, and so sweet so full of hope. Why? Their only one thing missing... a touch of fear.." he says chuckling.
He places his finger onto the bright yellow dream, as he does I start to turn to black sand.

"You know what to do my love.." He whispers into my ear, I look up at him and smile. Turning into the nightmare itself. He chuckles. With his deep British accent.

"That never gets old" he chuckles agian as I circle his beautiful face.

"Fear fear no more. Come on, thats right my love. Yes...." I rub my face onto his cheek bone, his sweet spot.

"What a pretty little nightmare.." He looks me and grabs my neck and pulls me infront of him.

"Now, now my love I want you to go tell the others the wait....is over" he looks me in the eyes and smirks. I immediately fly out the window to tell.

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