The Conception (Pt. 1)

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An odd pair of two traveled in the midst of an open and rather blonde prairie, surrounded distantly by vast forests of green trees. Seated upon horseback, the pace of their journey ventured easy-going, as the couple took their time in search of something that they themselves were not fully certain of. This particular set of individuals was most definitely a couple, or perhaps they were deceived as one, as each wore an identical golden band on their ring fingers. 

One of these two, an anthropomorphic crystal being, kept his head down, his eyes fixated on a slip of paper that was clipped onto the higher front of the horse's saddle. He studied the small map carefully and intently, in the event of he and his companion reaching their destination. His partner, a demon, rode alongside his own steed, looking up to view the overcast and unusually dark sky. It was heavily clouded, and it appeared as though a storm was currently rolling in above them. Despite this, the ground environment around them was still light, like the sun itself was shining down on the blades of barley below their horses' hooves. He inhaled and exhaled a deep breath, intaking this new land's scent of fresh air, a light breeze picking up and causing the grains to move in waves. They were several days away from the greater empire, several days out from their home. 

The gem managed to peer up from the map he had been staring at, turning to lock a gaze with the other riding next to him. "You doin' okay?" he asked generously, inquiring about his lover's well-being considering their travels. Bad faintly smiled at his partner's consideration, but it was noticeably softened and not exactly reassuring. "Yep!" he chirped before a momentary pause lapsed between them. "Don't worry," Skeppy spoke up once more. "According to the map, we should be almost where it's rumored to be." Bad's previous expression faded, becoming absent in its entirety. "How could you be so sure, Skeppy?" he asked, his tone now lower, sounding almost melancholy and perhaps distasteful. "None of these lands we've been to are even properly charted. We're probably the first people to come here in a long time. Considering that, how can we be sure that where we're going is accurate, let alone even exists?" The gem's facial look went blank, as he was unsure of how to answer his valid and deep questions. He was indeed aware that their quest was most certainly a longshot at best. 

"I... honestly don't know, Bad," he said simply without a concrete response. "It makes sense for you to ask those things and consider the circumstances. I admit, this trip is hit or miss." He paused briefly, "But there's no harm in a little adventure, right?" "Perhaps, we should've stuck with our realistic options," Bad said doubtfully, tearing his gaze away from his partner's own and frowning. He hung his head a little, staring down at the horse's craned neck. "We're being a bit selfish... and stupid, aren't we? There are plenty of children in the world that need homes. Surrogacy has also been an option and an offer to us too." Skeppy's coal eyes seemed to widen from within their sockets, and he cocked an eyebrow with concern and confusion. His face contorted into a look of disbelief as if his husband had just spoken something taboo. At that moment, the demon was refusing to look at him despite his reassurance. 

"Now, what are you on about? You're being so hard on yourself," his delivery sounded a bit more snappy than his recently calm disposition. "There's nothing wrong with us finding other alternatives, even if they're not realistic. I don't know, you don't know, neither of us knows what's gonna come from this adventure. Heck! We might even find something, whatever it is we're looking for or not— it doesn't matter. Like I said before, what's wrong with a little exploration?" Allowing the other's words to sink in, Bad could still feel the lurking presence of doubt in the back of his mind. Though, all at the same time, they did make him feel at ease as he managed a small smile, raising his head back up. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," he said, genuine happiness finally displayed in his voice. The beam that replenished his face appeared to be contagious, as Skeppy returned his smile with one of his own. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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