Chapter #1 The meeting.

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(Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto and co. All rights go to them I'm doing this not for money, can I even make money off of this? But for entertainment and to practice writing. Onto the story, hope you enjoy it and give feedback. Plots mine the original story isn't. So are the names and other obvious things. So please don't sue me, I'm really not trying to steal your work. This is just for entertainment, and not for anything else.

Naruto was running through a forest, he looked back and noticed that he was no longer being chased. Naruto wanted to test his stealth skills and he did so by painting the Anbu headquarters a bright pink, not that anyone noticed until he was done.

Naruto started chuckling at the irony that ninjas that sneak up on people we're snuck upon.
'That was my best prank yet. Wait how do I get home?' The sound of metal clashing interrupted Naruto from his thoughts. Like any idiot, he foolishly ran towards the sound.

Naruto ran into a clearing and saw two teens fighting.
'Judging by their appearance and symbol on the back of their shirts, they're from the Uchiha clan. Looks like their sparring. I think I'll stick around to see who wins, Uchiha's are known as prodigies.'

Itachi and Shisui simultaneously did the Fire style: fireball Jutsu. Naruto jumped back from the intensity of the flames colliding.
"Whoa. That was cool. Aww, it's over. Looks like the cool-looking one beat the scary-looking one."
Shisui dropped the kunai he had against Itachi's throat and held out his hand, which Itachi took immediately, and helped him up. They then did the unison sign and started walking in one direction of the forest, Naruto assumed that was the exit of the forest.
"So I guess I go that way to go home. I wonder what that finger thing was that they did at the end. Maybe I'd know if I actually paid attention to the lessons at the academy. I'll ask Grampa Hokage next time I see him. Man, they left a lot of Kunai and shurikens behind, I'm sure they won't mind if I borrow a few to practice my accuracy with them."
Naruto spent the next hour and a half throwing Kunai and shurikens at a tree he was going to continue when he suddenly noticed a chakra signature watching him.

"You can come out now. I can sense you." He called out to the Jounin in the tree. Shisui was impressively surprised that Naruto could sense him, he appeared in front of Naruto in a flicker causing the boy to fall down in surprise.
"Whoa, how did you do that? That was awesome." He said in awe."Sorry about using your weapons." He quickly stood and bowed his head in apology.

"Don't worry about that. They were littered on the floor anybody could have them. But you were impressive with them, as was your sensing abilities. But your persistence is what impressed me the most, your right hand was tired but instead of quitting you used your left hand instead. I'll admit I wasn't that determined when I was younger. What's your name kid?" Naruto blinked. He wants to know his name? That's a first.
"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki."
'So that's him. He's the Jinchiriki of the fox. He's impressive for someone that doesn't have anyone to help him.'
"How old are you Naruto?"
"Six, I just started the academy a couple of months ago." Shisui nodded his head.
"Well Naruto my name is Shisui Uchiha, and I'd like you to be my student."
'Say what now? He wants me to be his student? I'd say this was a trap of some kind, but lately, I've been able to sense these negative emotions from people and I'm not sensing any from this guy.'
"You want to be my sensei? Why?" Naruto stared at Shisui with an incredulous expression.
"You seem like the kind of person that's hands-on learning so whatever you learn in the academy you won't fully understand. Also, your determination is admirable, but will only get you so far without proper guidance, guidance that I can offer you. Also, my cousin keeps saying that even though I'm a Jounin I don't have a student. So I would like to show you off to him at some point. But that's for later if you agree..."

"Agree? Of course, I'd agree. I'd love to have a cool guy like you as my sensei. When do we get started...Shisui-Sensei?" Naruto asked carefully not wanting to upset the Jounin

"Shisui-Sensei? I'm liking this already. Come on, let's get out of here, you hungry?" Naruto nodded hesitantly remembering he can't afford to eat. Shisui seemed to notice this.

" There's this Raman stand that my friend told me was to die for, it'll be my treat. We'll go over some details about your training. You know what? It'll be quicker if I just Body Flicker us there. This might feel a bit strange." Shisui grabbed Naruto's shoulder and appeared in front of Ichiraku's. The two walked inside and ordered, while they waited they started talking about this and that.

"Naruto I'll be gone for a while doing missions so tomorrow I'm going to get you started on what you need to know for the Genin exam and I'll also be giving you an assignment to complete while I'm gone." Shisui noticed that Naruto wasn't too thrilled about the idea of homework, but neither voiced it as their Raman appeared and Naruto was instantly a fan of it. The two continued to talk about nothing while they finished eating and Shisui flickered Naruto back to his apartment after paying. "Night Naruto, I'll meet you here tomorrow." Naruto nodded. "Good night Sensei." He bowed to him before going inside.
Shisui gave the apartment building a look of disgust before disappearing in a flicker.

Naruto laid down in bed not believing his incredible luck today, not only did he find someone who seemed to like him, but he also found someone to help him with his training. Naruto idly wondered how Shisui knew where he lived before he drifted off in happy sleep deciding he didn't care.

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