An Echo of Nowhere

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Rohan's POV-

"We're not leaving this area until we don't them,"

Echo and I began to pick up the pace, I was in front of her as I jumped over the log and ran on it as Echo followed behind.

We stopped at the end of the log as Echo threw mud past me, I flinch a bit as some of the access of the mud flew onto my face a bit. But she spread it over something...

"It's invisible?"

I asked as I wiped off the mud from my face.

"Phew. Only spies can have invisible stuff,"

I rolled my eyes.

"All right, big boy. Let's get you out of here. We might bust our troops out tonight,"

She placed her hand onto a glowing green panel...

Then changed to red, a noise began to go off...


We both said in union.

I grabbed Echo's hand as I dragged her running to the the other side of where we came from. Lasers began to shoot at us.

I threw her over as she hid behind another log as I followed behind her. Out backs pinned being a log as nowhere came on the talkie.

"You're pretty good, but did you think I'd let you take my hauler?"

"It was worth a try!"

Then then the laser came at us but hit the log instead.

Echo and I hid behind a large tree as we squatted.

"I admit, the radio bit was nice. If you'd just been dealing with dumb, dirty criminals, you'd have gotten away with it,"

Nowhere says over the talkie.

"But it's time to face the facts. The hauler's on lockdown. You're outgunned, outmanned, hiding in a foreign country with no contact, no friends, and no weapons. There's no way you can't win-"

"Jesus! Nowhere, I think they understand that they're out numbered,"

I heard a familiar voice with them.

"Ares, so good of you to join the party. This is going to be like a hunt, Ares. You know what to do,"

Nowhere says with a dark voice.

"Way ahead of you, Nowhere,"

"Ares? What have you done to her!?"

I yelled as I took the talkie out of Echos hands.

"Oh nothing, just told her some orders. Bring Rohan and Echo... dead,"

Nowhere says.

I gulped knowing what my sister is capable of.

"-and there's nowhere you can run,"

Nowhere says in a taunting voice.

"Hey, who said anything about running? You know where we are. Come get us,"

Echo said as she stood up too.

"Girl, it is on!"

Night fall-

(Still Rohan's POV)

Echo and I hid una tree full of moneys cuddling with each other. I was on the top branch as she was on the slower one with bow and arrow in place.

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