Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

You awkwardly adjusted your jacket in front of the long wall mirror on the back of your door. The khaki colored jacket looked plain awkward over the relatively decently length-ed black dress you were wearing.

You chose to wear the dress because 1) It wasn't a meeting or something official that called for you to wear a uniform, and 2) when else would you wear a dress? The girls usually wore them on nights like tonight, but since you rarely ever tagged along all your finer clothes sat in the back of the closet.

You sighed and parted your hair to the side, then ran your fingers through it. Trying to make it decently presentable.

Thanks a lot Hanji. Ruinin my quiet time, makin me go out and socialize with someone who tried to rape- I mean, cuddle me to death. Not that I would really mind either way.

Pursing your now ever so slightly colored lips in the mirror you mumbled quietly to yourself, "I punched him in the face for cuddling..." What the actual fuck is wrong with my feelings.

Sighing again and pressing your fingers to either side of your forehead, you left the room. Turning the corner and going down the hallway you quietly hummed to yourself.

Its really quiet without having those guys around.. The rooms along the hallway were all dark, making it quite hard to see. The only light came from the occasional window that was either filled with moonlight or light from another building nearby. It was eerie and the only sound along the corridor came from your slightly heeled footsteps.

You let your thoughts wander as you headed for the cafeteria. Wonder what we're eating..there's no cook present and I doubt Levi can make a meal.

Maybe this 'hang out' will be over soon. We both obviously have better things to do than hang out with each other.

But being alone with him can't be THAT bad. I mean, he's just antisocial and quiet and rude and blunt and emotionless and short. But he's pretty nice to me I guess. Trying to cuddle me and standing outside my door is nice right?

Softly chewing on your bottom lip you entered the cafeteria. Multiple lights were on making the room quite bright. But the warm glow was a nice one. Most of the lights were around the kitchen area where you saw Levis figure, and you could clearly see the table right by the area.

There were two plates right across from each other placed over a white table cloth. You saw Hanji's wine bottle placed in the center beside two thin glasses. Walking closer you ran your fingers over the table cloth and made your way to the kitchen area, which was an open space only a few feet by the table. Leaning against the counter you watched the shorter male.

His back was turned but you could see his hands were busy. There was a tray and a small mixing bowl on the counter besides you, tilting your head to the side you saw him holding another bowl. This one much bigger. His arms were moving and you could see the different muscles flexing on his back, not that you were looking.

You couldn't tell what he was cooking but it smelled delicious and almost dessert-y. Kinda like chocolate.?

"Ahem" You said quietly, causing the man to turn.

He turned and the corners of his mouth twitched into a small smile. From the front you could see he was wearing a black apron, that put quite a nice contrast on the clean shirt he was wearing. "Hello (f/n)." he said casually while continuing to mix the contents in the bowl.

Smiling at him you leaned forward over the counter, catching a glimpse of what was in the bowl. Arching an eyebrow you spoke, "Is that chocolate?"

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