Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 (Night time)

It was night time. 11:55pm to be exact. All your other cadet "friends" were now fast asleep, and you had just set your head down on the pillow.

The corporal had done nothing but make you clean for the past few hours, the only breaks he would give you were for lunch and dinner, and that was it. You had expected him to leave you alone while you were scrubbing floors, but surprisingly he didn't. The great lance corporal Levi decided to babysit you instead of going about and doing whatever the hell he does.

What surprised you even more was the looks he often threw you. His usual stoic glare was replaced with a slightly softer expression, and his grey eyes were always watching if you were going to suddenly disappear.

Of course it would be uncomfortable to have a man stare at you for over 5 hours, but surprisingly it didn't bother you at all. You actually found it comforting to be in the corporals presence, even though everyone around you usually cowered in fear at the mere mention of his name.

The conversations you had with him had been swift and awkward, as if there wasn't anything left to talk about in the world. But there was sometimes when he seemed to liven up, as if you unlocked a hidden door in his mind.

"Levi?" You had asked, while putting the cloth you were using to scrub a table down.

"Yeah?" His reply had surprised you. Usually his replies were impatient and bored, but this time instead of asking "what" he replied with a "yeah". It wasn't much but it was still something.

"What are you doing?" You asked looking at the man who was sitting in a chair at the opposite side of the table.

"What do you mean what am I doing?"

"I mean why are you sitting here while I clean all this shitty mess? Surely you have something better to do."

He paused, thinking over his reply. "What better thing would I have to do at 9 o'clock?"

"I dunno...You could go out or something" You replied slightly irritated, which provoked a small chuckle from the man.

Wait. Did I just make him laugh...? "No. I'm perfectly fine with staying here with you."

"What?" You replied wondering if you heard him right.

"You heard me." He said coldly.


That sure caught him off guard, even though it was a highly expected question. "What" He replied quickly."You heard me." You replied with a smirk.

He let out another chuckle and took a sip from the tea which you made quite some time ago. "Because I want to." He paused and the slight smile that was on his face was gone in a flash, "Whats up with the questions brat? I gave you an order, now carry it out." That cold glare was now plastered upon his handsome face as you picked up the small cloth. With a small sigh, you continued wiping the table clean.

You let out a small irritated groan as you replayed the nights events in your head. What is up with that man.....

You pulled your blankets up around you, and shifted so you were in a more comfortable position. Might as well catch some sleep...I'll probably have another long day tomorrow."

Unconsciously you let out a small groan, your head had begun aching. The pain was subtle and it was positioned at the back of your head. It didn't hurt so much that you couldn't handle it, but it was still there. You brushed it off, thinking it due to to all the stress you have been going through.

With an exhausted sigh you closed your eyes, and sleep took you away almost immediately.

There was a glowing pink and orange sky above you, the sun was slowly disappearing over the horizon. The weather was getting a bit chilly, and the occasional slight gust of wind that blew through the small alleyway was enough to send shivers up your spine. You felt yourself take a deep breath in, your exhale coming out raggedy and uncertain. A wave of fear had rolled its way up from your stomach and into your mind, you felt yourself shake a bit more. Stop it. Panicking wll only make it worse. You're going to be fine. He'll get me out of this, He'll get us both out of this. He always manages to get us out of this...

"(F/n)!" He called. "Focus on me! Focus on me." His voice wavered. He was forcefully trying to remain calm, but was failing.

The man who held you in his grasp let loose a low laugh. The sound reverberating out from his chest and causing you to shiver once more in fear. "It didn't have to be this way Rivaille..." He taunted as the gun he was holding was placed to the side of your head. Levi flinched at the action and you saw his eyes briefly widen. "It was simple really..." The man continued as he cocked the pistol, "Money was all that was required-" "I said I would get it didn't I?" Levi said, cutting the man off. "Correct. You did say you were going to get it. But. Your day of pay is way past its due date."

The man smirked deviously as he pressed the cold metal against the side of your head. You flinched once more and this time the man took more notice of you. "Hmm. Your a pretty thing aren't you?" He hummed lustfully while lowering the pistol a bit.

The man shifted the forearm he was using to hold you hostage, the arm pressing tightly against your chest. In response you heard Levi breath out an anger filled sigh. "Tell you what Rivaille." The man said while burying his face into your hair, with a deep breath the man took in your scent, and in response you sneered in disgust.

"How bout you give me one night with your beautiful lady friend," began the brute, "and in return I'll drop a part of the fee you owe me, and I'll even extend your time of payment?" The man used his forearm and pressed you closer against his slightly sweating body. You saw Levi's fists clench.

"No." The younger man in front of you growled out. "What was that?" Asked the brute with a slightly surprised expression. "I said no, what are you deaf?"

With a small disappointed and frustrated sigh, the man raised his gun up once more, and positioned it just below your jaw. The cold metal sinking into your flesh and causing you to involuntarily shiver. "Alright then. It's quite a shame I'm going to have to blow her pretty brains all over this alley isn't it?" The man chuckled, the whole situation seemingly amusing him.

The sound of the gun clicking was heard, and if the man pulled the trigger, you knew you'd be dead. Fear overtook your mind as you began doubting if Levi could save you in time. But even if you both managed to get out of this, what was the point?

What was the point of living a life with someone you love if your lives were in complete danger within every passing second? What was the point if you couldn't even share a kiss with him without breaking away to look behind your shoulder?

"Levi." You said softly. His eyes immediately clung to yours, and you held in a gasp as you realized just how fragile they looked. "Its okay." You calmly stated as you forced your body to relax. You mouthed the word run, just as you felt the man who held you twitch his trigger finger.

Tears slowly fell down your face as you shut your eyes, mouthing a last I love you you mentally prepared yourself for the worst to come.

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