Chapter 1: Coming Home

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Dakota's POV

As I stood to make my way off the plane and pulled my hat on, the people in the seats around me started clapping. I frowned slightly, these people were getting on their feet and clapping for me, a hero of war. I just lowered my head and limped to the front of the plane. There, the flight attendant stood ready with my crutches. My carryon was slung over my back as I hobbled my way to my family. I had to stop just before the gate to steady myself. I clenched my eyes closed and took a deep breath, wincing at the pain from my still healing cracked ribs.

Finally getting ahold of my emotions I slowly exited the gate. I saw my mom before I saw anyone else. Her blond hair was graying, but it was still beautiful, cascading down her shoulders. She was holding a boquet of white roses. I saw the tears spring to her eyes when she took me in, causing me to frown. I just stood and looked at her for a moment, taking in the sight of my mother, who I hadn't seen in nearly four years.

Then, without warning I dropped my crutches and lunged into her waiting arms. I let my tears fall as I hugged my mom tightly. My mother was sobbing just as hard if not harder as she had when she saw me off to Afghanistan. I could hear clapping around us. When I pulled away from her I realized in slight embarrassment that all these bystanders were clapping and crying. A welcome home of thanks for an American soldier.

"I missed you so much sweetheart," my mom choked out, wrapping me in a hug yet again.

"I missed you too, Mom," I whispered, holding on to her tightly.

It clicked in my mind that my mom was probably this upset because of the state I was in. My lip was bandaged from a bad cut, I had stiches on my neck and on my cheek, stopping at my jawline. I had crutches and I had lost an unhealthy amount of weight. A man standing close by picked up my crutches and gently handed them to me. I thanked him with a choked voice. Once we got to the car my mother tried to help me into the backseat.

"Mom, it's fine. I can do it," I huffed, practically falling onto the passenger seat of her Dodge Charger. I hated being the center of attention and I wasn't a giant fan of people helping me, whether I needed it or not. Mom had to put my bag in the trunk before climbing into the driver's seat and seconds later we were off, headed for home. I remained silent the whole ride to my home but I could feel my mom's eyes on me every now and then. The small town I had grown up in didn't look that much different than it did four years before when I left. As we passed the movie theater, I frowned slightly when I saw a movie poster that was hanging up on the side of the building.

The woman on the poster looked familiar and when it hit me my eyes widened and I tore my gaze away. I had walked away from that part of my life... I didn't want to think about it. We reached home a few minutes later. Our house was a small two story, with my room being the only one upstairs and my mother's room being in the basement. The ground floor of the house was just a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a small dining area.

I stood and stared at my house, taking a deep breath to breathe in the fresh spring air. At one point I had thought I would never see my home or my mom again... I shook my head and followed her inside.

"As unappealing as it sounds, sweetheart, I'm going to have you sleep on the ground floor because of your leg okay," my mom said, setting my bag down at the bottom of the stairs.

"It's okay, Mom, I'll be able to get up the stairs," I mumbled, hoisting my bag over my back and practically crawling up the stairs before she could move to stop me.

When I got to my room, I had to stop and take it in, just like everything else. It hadn't changed, it looked as if my mom had come in and dusted regularly but nothing was out of place. All the trophies I had gotten playing softball as a young girl were still on their shelf. My Icon for Hire poster was still hung up on the wall next to the In This Moment poster. My softball jerseys were kept in a shadow box that was still on my wall as well. My bed covers were folded back neatly, the sheets were black and silky, the comforter was grey and poofy. I put my bag at the foot of my bed and fell onto my bed with a sigh.

It felt surreal to be home. Much to my disliking my thoughts were wandering back to the girl on the movie poster. My lip curled up slightly as memories came rushing back. I rolled over, only to grimace and cry out slightly in pain. My leg was killing me and lying on my side wasn't the best for my ribs.


I heard my mother hollering for me a few hours later. I must have dosed off after taking my pain medication. I slowly got to my feet, grabbing my crutches that were now next to my bed. My mom must have brought them up for me. I got down the stairs slowly but surely and the smell of my favorite meal hit my nose. As dumb as it sounds macaroni and cheese was my favorite thing ever that my mom fixed. I felt tears building in my eyes as I realized just how much I had missed my her. I sat down with the only family I had and began to eat after we said grace. The two of us were all silent, no one really knowing what to say. After we were finished eating though, Mom finally spoke up.

"I rented a movie if you want to watch it with me," she said softly with her gentle smile that everyone loved.

I smiled back, "I'd love to Mom."

After I helped with the dishes we gathered out in the living room with the movie running. Ten minutes into it the main character showed her face. I went pale, I literally felt all the blood drain from my face. I excused myself and went into the bathroom to shower. I just couldn't.... Not yet.... I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to keep memories of her suppressed.

~ ~ ~

Lacey's POV

"No! No no no! It's just not right, Miranda!"

I stared at myself in the mirror. This dress just really wasn't working out for me. I couldn't really tell why, I just didn't like it. I looked at my personal assistant in my mirror as I started to strip the hideous dress off. She wore an amused smile.

"You think this is funny," I groaned.

"I do actually. Because I can tell just how nervous you are. What's making you so nervous? The fact that in about five days you'll be back in your home town?"

I nearly choked on my own spit at her comment. My parents would be excited to have me home for the first time in a year. But I didn't know how excited I really was to be going home.

"This is interesting..."

"What is," I asked Miranda as I now stood before her in nothing but a bra and a thong.

"It seems there was a homecoming, yesterday afternoon."

"A homecoming? What kind of homecoming," I asked as pulled on a red low cut dress, tossing the other one aside.

"A wounded soldier."

My breath caught in my throat, "W-Who?"

Miranda's sharp gaze shot up to meet mine, she heard the hesitation in my question.

"Her name is Dakota Williams. She's returned with a purple heart award after four years of service to the military in Afghanistan."

I felt my heart speed up a little... I could still remember the day she had left like it was yesterday. I shook my head vigorously. Then I realized what Miranda had said...

"The purple heart? What happened?"

"It says here she was held captive while serving in Afghanistan," Miranda said sadly.

i stared at my feet, not commenting at the hairdresser that came in. Normally I would sit down and tell her what I want but today I just sat and stared at the wall. I just wasn't feeling it... Not after knowing Dakota had been hurt while she was away at war. I kept wondering how bad the injury was... Did she use a limb? Was she paralyzed? Glancing at my cellphone I had a thought to call her mom but with a shake of my head I thought otherwise.

I guess I know what I'm doing as soon as I get home, I thought to myself.


A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter was short, it's just the opening to a new story idea I got the other day. I hope you all enjoy! Thank you for your time!!!!



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