Chapter 17

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Rose's POV:

I wake up and look at Steve's clock. '8:27' it read. Steve wasn't in the room so I assumed he was either on a run or making breakfast. I got out of bed and walked into the living room. Morning Rosey." Steve says as he's flipping a pancake. "Morning." I say rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Go get dressed and ready we're gonna go pick up Loki in an hour." Steve says.

I run into my room and pick out a white crop top and some jeans. I put on some white shoes and fix my hair into a nice braid.

 I put on some white shoes and fix my hair into a nice braid

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The outfit ^^

Her hairstyle ^^

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Her hairstyle ^^

I walk out of my room and sit at the dining table. Steve places a plate full of pancakes in front of me and sits down across from my seat and starts eating his pancake. "What do you think the kid is gonna be like?" I ask. "What kid?" Steve looks very confused. "The kid Loki's adopting. Did you forget?" I say. Steve has an 'oh riighhhhhhtttt' look on his face and nods. "Oh yeah I guess I forgot." Steve chuckles to himself and takes a bite of his food.

I finish my pancakes and put the plate in the sink. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. "C'mon Rose!" I hear Steve say. I finish brushing my teeth and grab my backpack. I go to the front door where Steve is waiting. We walk out of the apartment, out of the building and into the car.

*Time skip bc the author is lazy lol*

We get to the avengers compound and walk inside to find Ella and Morgan standing on the couch whilst Peter is laying on the floor face down. "Pete, what are you doing?" I ask, walking up to his lifeless body. When he doesn't answer me I kick him on the side not-so-lightly. "OW WHAT THE HECK!?" He yelps sitting up. "PETER'S BEEN RESURRECTED BY ROSE!!" Ella yells pointing to Peter. "We were playing floor is lava and the girls pushed me in AFTER I helped them on the couch." He explains.

"That's a smart strategy, I'm gonna keep that in mind." I say winking at Morgan and Ella. The girls giggle and jump off the couch and hug me. "Питер очень доверчивый!"(Peter is very gullible!) Morgan says. "Ага! Мы так много раз его сегодня обманывали!" (Yeah! We tricked him so many times today!) Ella says exited. "Ok whatever they just said I have a feeling it's about me." Peter says looking suspiciously at Morgan and Ella.

Steve and Loki walk in and signal to me that we're leaving. "Bye Pete!" I say as I run towards the exit. "Морган! Элла! Удачи, играя с Питером!" (Morgan! Ella! Have fun playing with Peter!) I say turning around and waving at the girls.

Me, Steve and Loki get in the car and drive to the orphanage. Sugar's home for children was the name labeled on the front of the five story brick building. Steve walked in first, followed by me, and then Loki. The waiting room was nice. There were about ten red cushioned chairs around the room and a coffee table that was painted the same color red. To the left was a room that had a lot of little kids playing and drawing and doing other things. Across from the door there was a staircase with red carpet going up. And to the left was a wooden door with a sign that said office on it.

We all sat down not really knowing what else to do. "Guys! There are two avengers in here!" I here from the room to my left. Then I here a bunch of whispers and stuff. We all look in the direction of the sounds and see kids quickly hiding. "Looks like our cover is blown." Steve whispers into my ear. I chuckle and look for the kids that were hiding.

A woman who looked to be in her forties came out of the office door. "Hello, welcome. I'm Sugar and you must be Steve Rogers, Loki and Rose correct?" She said greeting us. Steve stood up and shook her hand and returning the nice greeting. "You and Rose may come in my office now." She said gesturing to me and Steve. I stood up and me and Steve walked into her office.

"Alright let's get this started." Sugar says as she comes inside and sits down at her desk.

Loki's POV

I waited in the red seats for my turn to speak with Miss Sugar. It's quite boring so I started making small fireworks in my hands. I remember when mother would show me the beautiful fireworks she would project over the water back on Asgard. She always said that one day I could learn to do it, and I suppose she was right.

All of a sudden a young boy comes running down the stairs and stops at the bottom staring at me. "Holy cow you're-" he was cut off by a girl with black curly hair about his age putting her hand over his mouth and pulling him into the room on the left.

I heard whispering and a lot of shushing and wondered what the two were saying.

About ten minutes go by and finally Steve and Rose are out and they're both beaming with huge smiles on their faces. 'Great' I thought.

Rose's POV (not gonna put what happened in the office bc I don't really know how that would work lol)

Me and Steve sat back in the red seats and miss Sugar called Loki in her office. I'm so excited! I'm now officially Rose Peggy Rogers! (And yes, Steve gave me that middle name). "How about we go to Disney World to celebrate?" Steve asks looking at me. I've never been to Disney-let alone any theme park. "I'd love to go!!" I say. "Great! I'll tell Tony to buy us tickets." He said.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps booming down the stairs. They sounded like Thor's when I eat his pop tarts. "DAKOTA I SWEAR I WILL MURDER YOU!" I boy shouts running down the stairs. He had wet green hair and he looked furious.

A/n: Yayyyy I finally got the motivation to update 😃!! Lol so to find out the story of the dude with green hair you should read the other book I recently published "Mischief's love" it's abt Loki and the girl he's adopting so ya. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully the next one will be done soon!

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