its time

5 0 0

I'm OK with losing these boys
All but one
I'll leave it to you to guess
Im a junior
Its time for me to find a boyfriend
I don't want to end up alone
I think I'm a danger to myself
Every time I lose someone else I look at the razor
The only reason I don't end it is the thought of my family at my funeral
I have friends that rely on me now
I don't want to let them down
But every time I get closer and closer to making my life easier
By not having one
Someone pull me out of this hole
I thought it would be P S
But he pushed me down
Maybe it was B B
But he broke my hold on the wall
I finally stopped falling when K E B grabbed my hand
He made me feel safe
Then he let go
And now I'm alone
And no one will read this
Because I am alone
The longer I fall the less light there is
I'm waiting for the end
But it feels endless

Good night

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