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Dipper P.O.V.

My birthday is coming up soon, and while it marks my 18th year of being alive, it's also the fifth anniversary of Weirdmageddon.

I sighed as I got up from my bed, a.k.a the floor. Yeah I sleep on the floor. It's wasn't always that way. It started around 2 years after Weirdmageddon. Some of Bill's henchmaniacs thought it would be funny to kill off most of our mature females and some young ones.

Mabel some how survived the massacre and was one of the last remaining females in the group which made her important. And being the great niece of the leaders of the rebellion only boosted her importance.

She soon started to boss around people and even me. But when I refused to do her biding she turned everyone against me.

She also grew to be very beautiful to which made her very vain. But puberty wasn't very nice to me and now I looked more like a girl than a guy. She accused me of trying to look like her which only made my treatment worse. But to be honest I'm way better looking than her. All she has is her beauty while I have all.

A great shape, beautiful face and smarts.  But that doesn't really matter does it.

Besides my bad treatment over these past five years something else also happened to me. I gained powers. It happened around my fourteen birthday. I was going to tell Ford but I got a feeling not to so I didn't. Good thing because Ford now does experiments on every magical creature he finds so imagine what would happen if I had told him.

I got ready to go out for today. Nobody really helps or does anything for me anymore so I have to do a lot of things myself. Which includes getting food for myself.

I put on a pair of jeans and a black skintight turtleneck with a gold pine tree on it. I embroidered the pine tree on to the shirt myself so I thought it was pretty cool. Though the only downside to the shirt is that my nipples printed out.

(When I said puberty wasn't nice I meant it. I mean I got freaking boobs!)

But everyone has nipples so why should I care.

I grabbed my bow and arrows and put it over my shoulder. When I left my 'room' as usual they were people hustling and bustling, trying to get to were they needed to go.

Did I mention that after Weirdmageddon a ton of people came to Gravityfalls for refuge. It became so much that we have a society and we all live underground.

But anyways when I saw the opportunity I blending myself into the crowd. I might almost be 18 but I was short, embarrassingly so. If there is one thing that Mabel beat me in it was height. While I stood at 5'4 Mabel stood at 5'7. But being short has its perks, like being able to blend into the crowd.

I was soon able to reach the gate, but someway, somehow that bitch saw me.

"Dipper Pines."

I turned around to face her. She might only be three inches taller than me but boy was she tall.
"Look at you walking around like  that exposing your body for everyone to see." Everyone soon turned to looked at me with eyes of disgust.

"Mabel just admit it, you're jealous that I have a better shape than you." She had a mixture of shock and hatred on her face. Just the look I was going for.

"Why would I be jealous of you!! My god if I could get rid of you I would-" "But you can't!"

I silently walked until I right in front of her. "Because I'm the best warrior you fuckers have." I just love the way her face sets up when she knows I right. But still I reached up to her collar and pulled her down so I had my mouth by her ear.

And I whispered to her, "Just because you wear those oversized robes don't mean that you're a saint nor a fucking virgin. We both know that you have slept with almost every man here in Gravityfalls while I dress like a slut and keep my dignity."

I let her go to see her face. It was pure hatred and I loved it. With a puff her turned around and walked away. I won.

I proceeded to walk towards the gate as I was going to before a certain someone came and interrupt me. "Open the gates!!!!" Slowly it began to open. No one here may like me much but I had importance. I was the most powerful warrior they had. And without me they know they would die.

As I walked out I breathed in the fresh air. It wasn't like the beginning of Weirdmageddon where everything was burning and there was chaos. No, it's much more peaceful. And much more fantasy like.

The sky is a mixture of blues, purples and greens. No longer red and yellow. The trees are gigantic and now creatures from the human and mythical realms, even the demons now live together.

Despite the fact that they are blood thirsty demons roaming the world and everything is no longer the same as it was five years ago. I feel as if I'm home as if it was meant to be this way. As if I was meant to be here.

I know it sounds strange......

But somehow...........

I feel as if.............

This world............

Was made for.............


Hope you enjoyed.

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