New Member of The Shield

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Savanna's p.o.v.
My dad and I walked through the hallway making our way to the Authority's office. Today was supposed to be the day my debut would be discussed. 

Once there, my dad knocked and after a few seconds Hunter opened the door greeting us with a small smile. "Steve, Savanna, please come in" he stepped to the side motioning to the room. My dad kept a scowl on his face, but I gave Hunter a smile of my own as we walked in. Our eyes now set on Stephanie who sat on her chair.

"I'm glad you guys could make it. Please, sit down" she motioned to the chairs in front of her desk which we proceeded to sit on.

"So, Sting" Stephanie switched her tone to a more professional one. My dad doesn't like to be called by his real name when it comes to business related topics. "You finally allowed Savanna to join the business after so long" she said looking over at me before returning her attention back to my dad.

"She asked me to, and I made sure she was well trained" he replied in a grim tone.

"Don't worry, she's in good hands" Steph assured. "If there's anything I can do to put you at ease, let me know."

"Now that you mention it. I actually have a favor to ask you," my dad proceeded to grab my shoulder "I want her to have a tag-team partner. It'd be a great way to make her in-ring debut and help her adjust."    

I groan, trying not to sound too annoyed at his request "Dad, I think I can manage being a solo diva on the roster. There's no need for that."

He turned to face me "We've already been over this. I'll allow you to work here only if you agree to my terms." 

"Yes, but-" I try to interject but my dad cuts me off before I can finish.

"This isn't negotiable, Savanna. You will comply or you can forget about having a wrestling career. Do I make myself clear?" a stern look now on his face. 

I sigh, crossing my arms in defeat while Stephanie ends a call on the phone "We have it all settled. Her tag team partners will arrive soon," she stood beside Hunter.

"Partners??" I say taken aback. 

"Yes, Partners" Stephanie confirmed as the door was opened abruptly, allowing 3 men with black attire to walk inside the office. 

My dad and I stood up from our seats.

"Savanna, meet your tag-team partners," Stephanie gestured to the 3 men "The Shield."

Right away, I took in their appearances. They were quite fit and muscular. On the left stood a guy with two toned hair that was tied nicely in a bun. He wore some bulletproof-like vest that matched with the other two beside him. The one in the middle appeared taller and had an arm sleeve tattoo. His hair was long and seemed damp, he probably wet it not long ago. The last one on the right had shorter hair, a smirk was plastered on his lips while his hands remained on his belt. All three starred back at me, and soon the man with long black hair approached me.

"In the name of the Shield, we would like to welcome you. I'm Roman," he stuck out his hand for me to shake. I was about to oblige, when my dad stood in front of me causing Roman to instinctively back away, returning to his spot by his teammates. 

"Stephanie, this is not who I had in mind" dad's voice was deep, almost in a threatening whisper as he looked towards the chairman's daughter. 

Stephanie clasped her hands together and let out a sigh "I understand but taking in consideration what you discussed with Hunter over the phone, there's really no better option than The Shield. They're currently the most dominate tag team on the roster and her addition to the team could help her debut and ensure her safety."

Hunter walked up to my dad and placed a hand on his shoulder "She'll be fine. They're professionals. You have nothing to worry about." My dad looked at Hunter's hand almost in annoyance, causing Hunter to remove it immediately. 

Dad took another look at the trio before him, studying them one by one. The two-toned man who seemed visibly uncomfortable under his gaze, avoided making any eye contact.

"Fine," dad said finally, turning his attention to both Stephanie and Hunter. "But If she's endangered, I'll hold you both responsible" a threatening tone evident in his voice. 

Stephanie nodded in understanding. Despite being the one with the most authority in the room, she didn't seem to take offense to my father's words. I imagine if this was any other person she wouldn't hesitate to remind them who is really in charge here, but someone like Steve Borden isn't just anyone. 

"Stay out of trouble," my dad said gently as he held me in a tight embrace "and be sure to call."

"Of course, dad" I hugged him back "I'll call you when I can." Satisfied with my answer he released me and proceeded to make his way towards the door.  

My dad stopped briefly whispering something to The Shield before finally walking out. 

The Shield's sister (REWRITTING!)Where stories live. Discover now