We meet again

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I faced the man who broke my heart. The man who I once thought was meant for me. Who loved me, but no. This man was a damn psychopath who had a split personality. Not only did he cheat on me with an announcer, he's the reason I lost my child.

My eyes narrowed. I wanted to punch him in the face till his nose bled or until I gave him a purple eye. I wanted to hurt him, yell at him. Anything.

The damn audacity to stand in front of me like he hasn't done anything.

He wasn't in any attire, he had no paint on hid face. He looked like he hadn't slept, he reeked of alcohol mixed with cologne, his failed attempt to hide the fact that he was probably hungover.

After what seemed like forever, I finally broke the silence. My face drained from any emotion, no anger was displayed.

"What I'd like to know is why the fuck aren't you in jail?" My voice was as emotionless, sort of cold.

He sighed rubbing the back of his neck "Listen, Savannah I- I know you're upset by all the things I've done-" I gave a dry laugh. "Upset?" I raised a brow "you're kidding. Pissed off seems more like it" I crossed my arms across my chest going back to my emotional face. I was trying to not display much emotion.

He seemed a bit irritated as he continued "Yes, I know I fucked up. I'm sorry okay? Will you just let me apologize? It was never my intention to go that far. I didn't mean to cheat on you. I got so involved with the 'Stardust' persona and let Bray manipulate me"

I raised my hand signaling for him to stop. This was pure utter bullshit. How naive did he think I was? "So, you think that with a simple 'sorry' we're good? All back to normal." I felt like my anger was bubbling inside me, but I tried to maintain myself from lashing out. Yet, my tone was a mix of annoyance and bitterness. "That's not how it works Rhodes." I stepped a bit closer talking in a tone for only him to hear "You fucking murdered my unborn child. No matter how many times you apologize, try to clean up your act it won't bring my child back"

I was furious. I let my anger betray me, I failed at trying to remain emotionless. He needed to know I wasn't the weak girl he once met, I can bark and bite.

I saw his expression darken and I could see anger display on it. No longer was he trying to keep his cool or look apologetic. "Well maybe if your desperate ass didn't get knocked up by Orton, things would've been different. We could've fixed things. I fucking loved you- I still do. Don't you get it? Seeing you both were reason I went mad. You are just as guilty for what happened. That son of a bitch shouldn't touch what's mine-"

Before I realized what I did, my hand had already connected with Cody's cheek. I was breathing heavily as if I ran a damn mile, but no I just felt breathless. I couldn't believe the shit coming out of his mouth. He was blaming me for his actions. His mentality, he claimed that he loved me but that wasn't love. He was obsessed with me. Obsessed with the idea of having me, of being able to call me his.

I could see Cody clenching his jaw, it was as if I had awaken a the monster that was hidden in him. He chuckled "Still got fight in you, I like that" he stepped closer to me and I instinctively backed into the wall. He looked down on me, making me feel as if I was inferior to him. He had a crazed look in his eyes, almost like if he wanted to kill me right there and then. The smirk on his lips only made him more intimidating. "You know what, I think I still want you to myself. Yeah, I mean you're on your own basically. No Roman, No Seth, No Dean." I flinched but didn't allow any display of intimidation.

I guess he saw it regardless "this will be fun. Watching you break before me. I'm going to make you wish you never walked into WWE." I tried to push him off, but it only caused him to slam me back into the wall holding me in place by my shoulder. I looked up at him with hatred as he trailed on "Understand that if I can't have you, no one can. Neither can he." I was about to say something when I heard someone cut in with a British accent.

"Just what do you think you're doing Rhodes?"

Cody gave me one last look before releasing my shoulder "Just leaving" he stepped away from me, and not bothering to look in Paige's direction, he walked off. 

Once he was far enough, Paige approached me, a worried expression displaying on her pale face "you alright love?" I nodded. "I can't believe he wasn't thrown in jail like Wyatt." She sighed "Vince pulled some strings and made sure the one with the full blame was Bray since, you know he orchestrated it." I rolled my eyes. Of course it was Vince. My boss, the man with the power to determine your fate not only in his company, you'd be surprised how much money can do for you.


"So, you're officially back?" Me and Paige were stepping out the elevator of the hotel where most of the WWE were staying at.

I sighed "I'm not sure yet. Everything is just... so scrambled you know? I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have gotten involved, but it's my dad-" Paige put a reassuring hand on my shoulder "Hey, don't beat yourself over it. You did what you had to do, I can respect that." I gave her a small smile "thanks"

She playfully punched my arm, which hurt since I wasn't expecting it "don't mention it, Stinger. I can still beat your ass" she laughed as I rubbed my arm rolling my eyes at her "but hey," her voice sounding serious "just know you got me in your corner, I mean it."

We weren't exactly friends, nor frienemies like the relationship she had with AJ. I guess you can say our relationship was professional. Sure, we greeted each other and all, but that was it. However, I wouldn't mind changing that. I could use as close friend, someone I could trust in times like these. After all, Cody was right about something. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

you're on your own

Those exact words echoed in the back of my head, like a broken record. It's like he engraved them deep into my skull. I was on my own now, I didn't have my 'brothers' since they got split up. I wasn't sure what was the relationship with Randy anymore since I've been ghosting him, so he probably was trying to reach out to me for sympathy. I had my dad, but he wasn't always going to be there. He had schedules, matches.

I nodded "I guess if we're going to start getting close, I'm going to have to fill you in then." Paige's eyes widen "oh, no you don't-" I cut her off, holding my hand up "it's fine, I want to. Besides, it's not a secret. The whole company probably knows" i rolled my eyes at the thought. They managed to keep it off the media, off the public, but everyone I worked with probably knew.

A/N: Back and determined to finish this story for good! I'm so sorry I made you wait so long guys. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this story anymore, but I didn't wanna discontinue it. So, I'm sorry if at the beginning the book sort of sucked, I was a TERRIBLE writer (I mean, I still am but it's not as bad as when i first started. Cringe.) Anyways, I'm going to make it better now! Also, just so you know this story will not revolve 'in-ring' as much anymore, I hope that makes sense. Like there will be a free matches here and there, but the arena won't be a main setting. This story will take a turn, and I'll just own it in my own way. Cody will still be an obsessed psychopath because *shrugs*. I won't base it as much on the actual WWE storylines because it's been a while now so... yeah haha. Anyways, thank you for still reading this. I really thought people just didn't care about this anymore hehe. I'll try to update when I can, but not years later... as I said I want to finish this book, but I want to make it good too.

Feel free to comment/message me ideas (y'all are probs more creative then me). Give me your review on the chapter. Anything really. That's all from me ♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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