Chapter 10: Urban Decay

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The walk to Camila’s home, wherever that might be, was as far from pleasant as anything could be while in Camila’s company.

Which, really, was not so bad.

Lauren didn’t even suggest that they drive. She couldn’t stand the thought of trapping Camila in her car again, the look on Camila’s face and the way her fingers curled around the seat belt desperately.

The walk wasn’t far but it was definitely in a direction Lauren didn’t want to go in, and more importantly a direction that Lauren didn’t want Camila to go in. Lauren had lived in Los Angeles long enough to know which areas were safe for loitering. The one they were headed for was most definitely not.

The farther they walked the dirtier the street below became. There were ragged people sitting at the bus stops, so covered in layers of clothing that Lauren could not even identify their genders as she walked by.

It felt sinister, the street and the few people hanging around, abandoned buildings with shattered windows and graffiti walls. It felt more dangerous even because with Camila beside her, Lauren could not help but worry for her companion’s safety, could not help but wonder if Camila walked down these streets alone.

Lauren licked her lips nervously as they passed a shabby building with walls so thin she could hear people yelling inside. She squared her shoulders, hoping to look tough beside Camila, who looked a bit like an innocent puppy in contrast to their surroundings.

“You’re sure we’re not lost?” Lauren asked for what may have been the sixth or seventh time. She’d been asking Camila at regular intervals if they were going the right way and Camila had been responding with a confident Yes! each time, which Lauren didn’t trust at all. As they grew closer and closer to dangerous streets Lauren began to hope that Camila really was going the wrong way.

“You take me to the nicest places,” Lauren joked.

Camila smiled calmly beside her. “I do,” she agreed seriously. “You’re just not looking close enough.”

Lauren looked closer but all she saw was grime and crumbling bricks on condemned buildings.

What had she been expecting, Lauren had to wonder. A gated community with cottage style houses and Camila’s parents waving to her from their front porch? Was she really that stuck in fantasy?

Camila seemed so happy with everything around her, so pleased with the world, Lauren couldn’t imagine her existing in a place that was less than perfect, less than what Camila deserved.

“You’re sure we’re going the right way?” Lauren asked again as they passed a shady figure leaning up against a technicolor wall of spray paint.

Were off to see the wizard…” Camila sang in response and Lauren listened with fascination as she always did when Camila decided to carry a tune.

“You could be a rock star,” Lauren told her seriously. “We could be rock stars together.”

“Yes,” Camila agreed. Lauren nodded.

Someday they would be rock stars together.

It had been Lauren’s dream for as long as she could remember. The feel of her father’s silky guitars beneath her fingertips as a child had captivated her, the loud noises they made when she pulled at the strings had delighted her, at the same time it made her mother wince and her grandmother vibrate with joy.

It was surprisingly easy to include Camila in that dream now.

Lauren stumbled as Camila grabbed her wrist, pulling her off the sidewalk towards a small crumbling building that looked just like all the others.

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