Chapter 29: Butterfly Touch

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“You know that movie you like,” Lauren said, “where the guy buys his girlfriend a star? I would totally do that for you.”

Camila’s head was tilted to the sky, Lauren’s sunglasses balanced on her nose. She would have been watching the stars, naming them because they were all hers already, but it was still only midday. The leaves of the tree Camila was sitting under cast shadows across her skin.

“Lauren, you cannot own stars,” Camila told her, eyes still on the sky.

Camila had settled under the tree immediately after Eric had left, staring up at the sky serenely as Lauren watched her through the window, feeling anything but serene.

After admitting it, after finally acknowledging how entwined she was with Camila, how entwined she wanted to be with Camila, Lauren wasn’t sure what to do. Where did they go from here?

Did it change everything? Did it change anything at all?

She shifted her weight, clutching the tiny thing in her hand behind her back.

“You do,” Lauren said, taking a tentative step towards Camila. “All the stars. They all shine just for you.”

Camila made a soft, curious noise. She leaned her head against the bark of the tree, looking up at Lauren through the shades of bug-like sunglasses. She rubbed the sole of her bare foot against the grass in Lauren’s direction, lifting it delicately to kick at her knee.

Palm clenched and sweaty, Lauren moved to sit at Camila’s side. Their shoulders brushed as she leaned against the tree trunk. Camila didn’t say anything – she’d been unusually quiet since Eric had left, even leaving Lauren alone in the house to go commune with her hidden stars. Lauren wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.

“I meant what I said.” Lauren trained her eyes on the sky as she spoke, the exact spot between two clouds where she thought Camila was looking. “About being attached to you. I meant it.”

“I know,” Camila said easily. Her head rolled towards Lauren’s, but she didn’t look over.

Lauren had been thinking about it for the last hour, time that flew by with the guitar in her hands, the notes of Camila’s song. The song that still didn’t have an end. Lauren was beginning to realize it never would have an end.

So Lauren had played the song that didn’t end until a string had snapped under her hand. Bent and twisted on the floor, Lauren had noticed how it shined.

“I’m attached to you like soul mates are attached to each other,” Lauren said. She bit her lip anxiously, turned the thing over in her closed fist. “Like—”

“I know,” Camila repeated, cutting Lauren off.

A smile tugged at Lauren’s lips despite the frantic feelings that fluttered in her chest. Maybe because of those feelings. “You know everything, don’t you.”

“Yes,” Camila agreed. She was trying to look all-knowing but Lauren could see the smile on Camila’s face too, the way she caught her lower lip between her teeth happily.

Lauren wanted to kiss it, the suppressed little smile and the curve of Camila’s mouth.

“Hey.” fingers grazed the delicate skin behind Camila’s ear. Lauren tilted Camila’s head gently towards her, stroking her thumb over Camila’s nose to lift the sunglasses up. “I have something for you.”

Camila’s eyes were curious as Lauren revealed them, excitement already brimming over. Camila treasured everything Lauren had ever given her – her sweatshirt, her shoes, a quarter she still carried around with her like a precious thing. Lauren’s heart.

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