Chapter 16

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Blake's pov

I wake up to fingers running up and down my back,I lift my head and see that Cole is already looking down at me "good morning darlin" he says as he kisses my forehead.

"Good morning" I say and place my head back on his chest "Dante is coming over today" he says now running his fingers through my hair, "does that mean you want me to go" I questioned "Nope I want you to stay" I nod my head.

A sudden wave of nausea come over to me,I jump up out of the bed and run to the bathroom just in time.

I feel Cole come up behind me and hold me hair back,this is so weird I don't even feel Ill.

I stop throwing up and lay my head against my arm "are you ok" he asks, I stand up and start brushing my teeth "Yeah I feel fine" he just nods his head and starts to brush his teeth as well.

I walk out of the bathroom and into his bed room,he grabs me before I sit down on the bed and kisses my forehead. "Are you sure your feeling ok" he questions "yeah I'm good" I say.

The door shoots open and harper comes tumbling in "hey daddy" she shouts and jumps into Cole's arms "hi princess" he says with a small chuckle "I want to bake please" she says "I'm not much of a desert maker harper" he says.

"I am" I say harper jumps into my arms and giggles,she is like a monkey "Can we bake a cake" she asks,I look over to Cole to see what he thought about it,he nods his head "yeah" I say.

She smiles and kisses my cheek "thank you" she gets down, grabs my hand then pulls me to the kitchen. "What do we need for cake blakie" she says "sugar,butter,egg,flour and vanilla extract" I say pulling out the ingredients.

We start to measure out the ingredients and the door opens,I hear Cole talking to somebody who I'm guessing is Dante "Blake" I turn around to see Cole and Dante stood there "hey" I say "hi,your Blake it's nice to properly meet you" he says "nice to meet you to"

I turn back around and start telling harper what to put into the bowl.

20 minutes later,I mean we have a batter but half of the ingredients are on the floor or on us,I put the batter into the oven "Blake,how much do you like Cole" harper asks me "so much" she smiles "good" she jumps into my arms "I think you need a shower" she giggles.

I walk into the front room with harper in my arms "Cole she need a shower,and so do I" I say to him "Alright come on princess" Cole says standing up and taking her out of my arms "Dante watch some telly or something" Cole says and we walk out the door.

I jump in the shower and start washing the flour out of my hair,another wave of nausea comes over me,I run to the toilet and start throwing up again.

What the fuck I think to myself.i brush my teeth and get dressed,I start thinking about what it could be.

It couldn't be food poisoning because Cole would have it as well along with my family and I'm not feeling unwell.

A sudden though thought dawned over me,my period, my period isn't the most consistent thing but it still comes, I couldn't be pregnant though we used protection.

A knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts "Blake are you ok in there" Cole says "yeah,yeah Erm I'll be out in a second" I say,shit I'm going to have to go and get a test and see.

I walk out of the bathroom and downstairs to see Cole and Dante there talking, "the cake is still in the oven but I need to go" I say Cole stand up and kisses me "alright text me when you get home so I know you safe" he says walking me to the door "Alright"

I get in my car and drive straight to the shops,I go inside and grab different types of pregnancy test and some other things along it,I'm a little worried right now,I think I would prefer to be doing this with Cole by my side but I don't want to tell him unless I'm sure.

I pay for everything and run to my car,I take a few deep breaths and drive home, all the different scenarios run around in my head ,I know I said I wanted kids and I wanted them early but what will my family say,what will Cole say,he already has harper and Ellie,harper is still so young he might just say I don't want to be in the child's life, that would break my heart.

I pull up outside the house,I take a look around,there are guards stationed around like usual and my dads car is gone,so I get out of my car and make a sprint for it into the house and upstairs,luckily I made it up there with nobody seeing me.

I walk into my bathroom that is attached to my bedroom and take a few deep breaths, trying not to let my thoughts get ahead of me,I might be overthinking it and I'm not pregnant at all.

The tests say pee on the stick and wait 5 minutes,I use 3 different tests from 3 different brands, I turn them upside down so I can't see and sit on my bathroom floor.

I don't know what the results are going to be,so we will just have to wait and see.

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