Chapter 2: Strip Club and the Angel

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***Niall's POV*** WARNING: swearing aha cause it's Niall duhh ;)

I rubbed my eyes, sat up on my bed, and looked over at the clock. Holly SHIT! It was 10 o'clock! I jumped out of bed, forgetting that I toss in the night, and tripped over the tangled sheets and fell flat on my face. "Owww, fuck." It was then that it hit me. IT WAS FUCKING Saturday. I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid. I groaned and got back onto my bed, flopping down into the soft sheets. I was just get comfy when my phone started ringing. "Bloody hell." I made sure that I was untangled before I got out of bed. I then realised that I had absolutely no idea where my phone was, so I ran around like a headless chicken looking for it. I finally found it, just as it stopped ringing. I cursed again, why was nothing going my way today? I needed to get laid. And soon.

I looked at who had called me and it was Liam. Ah well I'll call him later. I made my way down to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast, and when I went to grab the milk out of the fridge, I found none. Right then I cursed so much that anyone who was listening would have thought that I had anger management issues. Which I totally don't. I grabbed my keys and my wallet, headed out to the car and drove to Tesco.

Once I got there, I walked past some young girls who were staring and giggling to each other. And yeah, I might have felt a bit cocky and gave them a sly wink. Don't judge. Walkin' through the doors I past an old lady and you know what she did? She tutted and shook her head at me, and the worst thing? She called me a disgrace. At that point I was fed up with the day already and couldn't give a fuck what that old lady thought. I grabbed my milk, paid for it, got back to my car and caught my reflection. FUCK. MY. LIFE. I had just gone into Tesco in nothing but my boxers! I felt like a complete idiot. Shamefully I unlocked my car and drove home.

I got home and made some cereal (thankfully there was some in the cupboard cause I was never going to leave my house again), and decided to call Liam back. I flopped down onto the couch waiting for him to pick up. I had my legs draped over the back of the seat, and my head over the seat, so I was basically sitting upside-down. Don't even ask, it's comfy. I was about to hang up when Liam answered.

"Hey! I called this morning but you didn't pick up." He said quickly, and then taking big gasps of air.

"Yeah sorry, I couldn't find my phone. You alright mate?"

"I'm good. Just got back from a run. Soooo I was thinking.."

"Uh oh."


"Sorry." Not sorry, I smirked to myself.

"Right. As I was saying, seeing as how I dumped Danielle, and you haven't had a girlfriend in ages.."

"Leeyum." I interrupted.

"Niall. Again. Don't interrupt me when I'm talking!" He scolded. "I thought maybe we could go out tonight. You know, get wasted, sleep with some girls. Have a good time?"

"Thank god. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I'm in."

"Good. I'll pick you up at 10pm, sharp. I have to go, gotta eat breakfast and then to the gym."

"Okay bye." I hung up on Liam before he dragged me to the gym. Gym? I don't know anyone called Jim? I giggled at my own little joke. Yes I giggled. And it was very manly too. I jumped up off the couch and stood in the middle of the living room like an idiot, trying to figure out what to do for the rest of the day. I decided that I would venture back out to the outside world, to the mall to waste the day away.

I wondered around the mall, and yes I checked to make sure that I had clothes on, and walked into my favourite shoe shop. I looked at all the Supra's and decided that I needed another pair of green ones, red ones, white ones (all the others were dirty), and because I bought 3, I got one free! Yay rhyming words! Yeah I'm a little special, what of it. So I chose new orange ones, not sure what they will go with, but what the hell! I walked down the main walkway and out the automatic doors, to the outside part of the mall, where it has no roof, just shops on either side. I was window shopping when I heard a magical voice singing one of my favourite songs, Viva La Vida by Coldplay. And trust me when I tell you that he sung like an angel. I followed the magical voice and when I saw the body that came with it, I almost fainted. It must have looked like I was a bit of a creeper, because I was kinda just standing there staring at him.

Once he had stopped playing, I broke out into an applause. I slowly stopped clapping as I realised that no one was clapping as hard as I was, but as I looked at the boy, he had a cheeky grin on his face. Let me describe him to you. He has dark brown curly hair, which in the way it was styled, it made him look like he had just gotten out of bed. And it was god damn sex.. WAIT NO IT'S NOT SEXY. It's just... cool. He green eyes which had a slight bit of blue in them, and dimples when he smiled. I'm just very observant that's all. RIIIIIGGGHHHT. Sure you are Nialler. Sure. I hate it when my subconscious is right. Face it Nialler. You're G.A.Y. Fuck off.

While I was having my little mental fight, the angel had packed up his guitar, scooped up the money that was left in the case and had started to walk off. I shook myself awake, and chased after him.

"Hey! Wait!" I called out to him. He stopped, turned around and gave me a puzzled look. I pulled out a 50 and held it out to him. He stared at it like it was an alien. "I wanted to give this to you. You were really good." Again he just stared. "You're supposed to take it." I said bluntly. He took it out of my hand, smiled with his dimples showing, and walked away shaking his head. Maybe he's just shy? Then why would he busk you idiot. Shut up.

I stood in front of my mirror making sure that I looked alright to out to the club. I had on some white skinny jeans, a white skivvy with a grey cardigan and my new orange Supra's. I knew I'd find something to wear them with! I heard the honk of a car outside, so I looked out the window already knowing who it was. I checked my phone and it was 10pm on the dot. Of course it was. It's Liam. I raced downstairs making sure I had my wallet with my ID in it and sprint out the door to Liam's car, cause if I am one minute late, he'll have me in a head lock, and trust me you don't want to be in one of those with him. They're deadly.

"Finally." He says as I slide into the seat next to him. I turned to him with my mouth agape.

"Seriously! I'm like one minute late!"

"Still late."

"Fuck off." I turn to the front and he drives off to the club.

Liam pulls up to the club, we get out and he hands the keys to the guy waiting at the door. He's going to park our car for us and stuff. Yeah, Liam's pretty rich. I just go with it. This means that we also get to skip the enormous line out the front, much to people's annoyance. I always feel bad about it, but Liam doesn't seem to care. Once we were inside, I stood frozen in awe. There were people dancing, more like having sex, with each other, music blaring and lasers and lights flashing to the beat of the song. I turned to talk to Liam, unsure of what to do, and he was no where near me. He had disappeared! Asshole. I decided to do what I know best. Drink.

As I neared the bar, a fit looking guy, almost a boy, flop himself down on a chair looking exhausted. I watched as he downed two shots one after the other, not even pausing. I gathered up my courage and went up to him. "Ruff night?" I ask. He lifts his head, his still slightly wet curls covering part of his eyes. He brushes them aside and looks up at me raking his eyes up and down my body, and then looks back down at my empty glasses.

"You could say that again."

"Same." I say. He looks at me in disbelief. It took me a minute to realise, this was the singing angel from the mall!

"I highly doubt it was worse than mine." He says. I smirk at him, knowing that he doesn't recognise me.

"Let me buy you a drink, and I'll prove it to you." He gives me a once over, raking his eyes up and down my body, and smirks at me.

"You're on."

~~~~~~~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys! This is chapter 2! and can i just say... THANK YOU FOR SUCH LOVELY COMENTS on this story so far. Seriously you have no idea how much it made my day to read them so keep them coming!Don't worry i'm not going to be one of those people who ask for them for another upload cause i think that's annoying aha. but if you have any critism or just wanna comment then feel free! :)

i hope you like it! :) <3

E. :)x

P.S watch the cover of Kiss You by the Vamps! It's soooo good! :D

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