Chapter 7: Surprise, Surprise

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***Niall’s POV***

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock and groaned, but it wasn’t because it was a weekend, it was because I HAD TO GO TO SCHOOL. It wasn’t just any Monday though, I had started at a new school, where Liam went to. I slowly got out of bed and got ready for school. I stood in front of my mirror for like 20 minutes trying to convince myself that this was a good idea, that my hair and my clothes were fine (what? I like to look good, okay?), and to stop freaking out like a girl going on a date, it was only high school. I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door, and started on the short walk to school.

I stood outside the front entrance and my jaw dropped open. There were so many people! I got a few weird looks, so I composed myself and walked off as if nothing had happened. I ran up the stairs and into the school halls and instantly regretted it. I was surrounded by people, which meant that I had to literally push my way through the crown. How am I supposed to find Liam now? As the amount people thinned, I pulled out my phone and re-read the text that he had sent me.

“Meet me at my locker, no. 176 in the main hallway. Hope you find it! ;) Li. X”

Bloody hell, I’m going to kill him when I find him, IF I find him. I sighed and looked at the numbers on the lockers, 170, 171, I’m getting closer, and when I look ahead of me, sure enough, there he was putting his bag in his locker, oblivious too all the girls staring at him starry eyed. I rolled mine, walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Niall! You made it man!.” I could practically feel the girls’ eyes burning holes into my soul, jealous that I could get Liam’s attention.

“Yeah, sorry bout that. There’s just so many bloody people!” He chuckled at the last part. He was about to start talking again, when someone yelled something that I was most afraid of.

“Watch it fag.”

Both Liam and I turned at those words, and my breath hitched in my throat. There stood Harry, with wide eyes and a pained expression on his face. I gripped onto Liam’s arm without thinking, as it was if someone had punched me in the guts. I was so sure that I would never see him again, but there he was, 30 meters away from me. Suddenly he was off running to god knows where, so I turned back to Liam. I flinched when I saw that he was already looking at me, with a confused look on his face.

“Explain. Now Horan.” Here we go.

Liam Dragged me to the nearest boys bathroom, and kept me there trapped, until I explained what the hell just happened. I took a deep breath and told him what had happened between Harry and I in the least amount of words possible. Call me crazy, but I really just wanted to go to class. "Well, when you took me to the club that night, you kinda left me, so I went to the bar to get a drink and Harry was sitting there alone downing drinks, so i introduced myself, and he bought me some drinks, and then I bought myself some more drinks until I was completely smashed. Don't give me that look Liam, YOU LEFT ME TO FEND FOR MYSELF! Anyways, so then he took me back to his place cause i fell asleep in his car, and then we made out. And we were about to, you know, and then I told him I was a virgin and he stopped and went and slept on the couch. Then when I woke up, i found out that he was a prostitute, yes he's a prostitute and you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, I told him that he was better than that, and then he yelled at me and kicked me out. And yeah. But that wasn't the first time I had met him... Sort of. I saw him busking on the street, and Liam, his voice sounded like an angel, so I gave him a fifty. I don't know why, but I want to help him Li." When I had finished, Liam stood there with a knowing look on his face.

“What?!” I asked, finally getting sick of the silence.

“You really like him don’t you.” It was more of a statement then a question, but I answered it anyway.

“Yeah, maybe, I DON’T KNOW! I’ve known him for what? Less than a day?”

“So? What difference does another day make? You either like him, or you don’t.” I sighed heavily. Why does Liam always have to be right? “Come on Niall. We should go find him, and explain why you’re here.”

I followed Liam to the auditorium, and when I gave him a confused look, he said that’s where Harry normally goes when he’s upset. I trusted him so we opened the door quietly and sure enough, there he was, standing onstage, and from it looked like, getting ready to sing. He opened his mouth, and oh my God it was like watching busk all over again, except this time, it was full of emotion. I recognised the song as Same Love by Maklemore, and smiled because I knew exactly why he chose that song. Liam and I stood and watched until he was finished, and then we started to clap. He looked up in shock, and squinted, trying to see who we were. When he moved closer to the edge of the stage, he froze and his eyes widened. When he saw that I had a huge smile on my face, he blushed and looked down.

“Soo, I’m guessing that you two know each other?” Liam pointed at Harry and me.

“Yeah…” I said bashfully. Harry hopped down from the stage and went over to us.

“Well how bout we go to class now yeah? I’m pretty sure that I’m in all your classes Niall, and Harry’s in all of mine.” I looked at Harry and gave him a warm smile, hoping that maybe we could be friends first, and then maybe something more. As we left the auditorium, I swore I saw something move in the shadows, but that would be stupid. No one else was in here, were they?

~~~~~~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~~~~~~

Heyy! WOW that was shorter than i expected.... SORRY!! i just thought that it should end there, I PROMISE that the next chapter will be longer! Anyways THANK YOU FOR OVER 1K READS HOLLY SHIIITTE! HAHA still the same question as last time...

WhAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ME?! can be anything i don't mind! but thank you for voting and fanning and your comments!! :D hope you liked it!

E. :)x

P.S Thank you to @LiveInTheDark for her amazing cover!!! :D This chapter is dedicated to you!! <3

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