Bonus Chapter: Best Friends

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This is an additional chapter which takes place after Devil's Deal but before A Way Out, taking place from Baz's perspective as Dawktrap starts to control him. It is canon to the story line; however, it will exclusively be found within the written version and not the comic version. There are already two hypnotism/mind control scenes within the story, so I don't want to have to repeatedly draw the same actions/expressions for a third time because that will be tedious to me and boring to others. This chapter was written because I felt like trying to make what happened a bit more tragic, because why not?




"Now, let's fulfil your end of the bargain, shall we?" Lewis grinned with an air of pride as he stepped to the side, allowing the restrained man a full, clear, unobscured view of  Ryan's two computer monitors which were now glowing with a dangerous gleam as their screens were taken over by the purple-eyed man's unnatural powers. "All you need to do is..."

"F*** you!" Baz snapped as he screwed his eyes tightly shut. He knew exactly what Lewis was going to want him to do; it was the very thing that Ryan had refused to, causing this whole mess in the first place. He shouldn't have tried to make a deal with a demonic monster of a man, of course that wasn't going to go well!

Raising an eyebrow at the interruption, Lewis – at least, a version of him – gave a quiet laugh under his breath. "You've seen what I can do, Baz. You know what's going to happen if you refuse to do as I say, right? Because in case you didn't realise, that wasn't going to be a suggestion. That was going to be an order."

The older man gritted his teeth, bowing his head down to the ground. He said nothing in response.

"Baz, come on, man, you don't have to make this hard for all of us!" Will said, his voice unnaturally happy about a situation which was anything but. As he slightly readjusted his grip on Baz's left arm, he smiled at his younger friend. "I know that this probably isn't the most comfortable of situations..."

"You're damn right, it isn't!" Baz spat, trying to push himself away from the wall. His two 'friends' simply pushed back, and there was no way he was winning a battle of strength against both of them.

Will chuckled slightly. "Yes, this isn't comfortable, but all you need to do is open your eyes and take a look at all the colours. I promise you, they'll make everything better. You won't feel upset or scared or anything! You'll feel amazing, man! Trust me!"

"You've lost your mind," Baz whispered, before raising his voice. "You've all lost your god damn minds! Why are you doing this to me!?"

"Because we're friends, Baz!" the musician stated. "And we can't let you miss out on this, because then we'd be awful friends! You deserve to be happy like us!"

"You've got me pushed against a f***ing wall! That is being an awful friend!" Baz argued.

"Lewis is just trying to help you, Baz! And we are trying to help you too! You just need to..."

"Shut up, Will!" Baz shouted, before he did something which the other three men were not expecting.

He began to cry.

"What happened to all of you!? Why are you doing this!?"

"Like they said, Baz," Lewis said smoothly. "They're just trying to help me to help you."

"You did this to them! You made them like this!" Baz yelled. The temptation to open his eyes so that he could glare at the purple-eyed man was boiling within his head, but he knew better than to give into it. "You've turned my friends against me!"

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