Rindou Haitani: Can't Let You Go

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Flashes of the camera were seen and it's shutters were heard. Many people are surrounding you as you walk on the red carpet laid out on the ground. You were trying your best to give out your best smile despite the disappointment being masked with makeup and fake joy.

As you were still trying your best to keep your composure, you feel someone who was getting closer and then soon felt a hand around your waist.

"Where is he?", you asked while posing a smile for pictures in front of the camera.

"Can't make it.", Kakucho answered while he was effortlessly posing for pictures with his stoic face.

You could only sigh at his words and let the disappointment inside you grow.

The two of you then walked away from the buzzing crowd of photographers to the main hall where the event would then start.

"Let me guess, he's drunk right?"

"*sigh....you know he is like this Y/n, but I guess I understand why you're upset with him" Kakucho replied.

You could only let out a sad and low chuckle, one where the sadness and loneliness was evident and all Kakucho could do was to look at you with pity.

"I can't believe Rindou would miss my awarding ceremony...."

"Y/n.....I'm sorry"

Kakucho doesn't even know what to say or how to give you comfort instead of saying sorry. He could only watch as you laugh in pity of yourself and drown the negative emotions with the expensive drink in your hand.


Another argument.

Having a relationship with a Bonten executive did give off bad vibes. But what can you do when you're in love anyways?
But arguments with Rindou lately had been escalating little by little and it's becoming unknowingly toxic to the relationship.

You came home thanks to Kakucho giving you a ride from the party to only find Rindou not at home and was entering the door just 10 minutes after you.

"You know I' m fucking tired of working! It's not always about you!"

"Am I not tired too? Rindou...This night was supposed to be my best night in my career and I wanted you to be there with me...Instead you ditch me to go relax on a club, drinking and didn't even thought about how worried I am for not receiving a single fucking  text about  where you are, as if I don't even exist!!", You shout back

Rindou stayed quiet as he realize how seriously upset and disappointed you were towards him.

"*sigh.....I f*cking won The Best Model of the country Rindou......Best f*cking Model in the whole f*cking country... I wanted you to be there for me because you're the reason I achieved my dreams. I was always there for you even though I know I'm not supposed to be because you're in a f*cking criminal organization..... And you can't even attend a single party of appreciation for me? Now I wonder.....Do you even know how your treating me?", you said in a whisper because you were tired.

Tired of arguing.
Tired of understanding.
Tired of being simply in the relationship.


Rindou doesn't answer which caused your tears to finally fall down your cheeks. The make up being washed by it. You looked away from him and tried your best to hold in the sobs.

Rindou still doesn't answer, instead, he headed upstairs into his work room and closed the door.

You laughed sadly at yourself before deciding to just sleep the night to at least numb your heart from breaking further.

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