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In the fallout of Fitz's rage, and my newfound peace and joy with Keefe tensions were high. That was how I ended up in an intricate gauze and lace dress. The off the shoulder and cut neckline filled me with an odd sense of confidence. With a simple clear gloss coating my lips I headed out the back doors to the sprawling, enchanting garden where Keefe was waiting.

The garden glowed softly under the light of a thousand twinkling stars, each leaf and flower bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight. It was a place of serenity and quiet beauty, a sanctuary away from the complexities of the world—a perfect setting for the evening ahead.

As I stepped into the garden, a sense of wonder enveloped me. The evening air was crisp and alive with the fragrance of blooming flowers—jasmine, roses, and hints of lavender—that mingled delicately with the soft glow of the moonlight. Keefe led me along a winding path illuminated by gently swaying lanterns, their warm light casting enchanting patterns on the lush greenery around us.

The garden seemed like a secret world, secluded and intimate, with hidden alcoves and softly bubbling fountains that whispered tales of romance. Each step we took brought us deeper into this oasis of tranquility, away from the noise of the world and into a space where time seemed to slow down.

As we reached a clearing in the heart of the garden, my breath caught in my throat at the sight that unfolded before me. A low table, adorned with a pristine white tablecloth and twinkling with the soft flicker of countless candles, awaited us. The flames danced playfully, reflecting off the crystal glasses and silverware laid out meticulously, creating an ambiance that was both magical and inviting.

Keefe turned to me with a smile that warmed my heart, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and affection. "Surprise," he said softly, his voice barely a whisper carried on the gentle evening breeze.

I couldn't help but smile back, feeling a rush of gratitude and warmth for the effort he had put into this evening. "Keefe, it's beautiful," I managed to say, my voice filled with genuine awe as I took in the scene before me.

We settled into our chairs, the soft cushioning of the garden seats adding to the comfort of the moment. The air hummed with the melody of crickets and the distant trickle of water, creating a serene backdrop for what was to come.

A server appeared silently from the shadows, their presence adding an air of quiet elegance to the affair. They presented us with a succession of exquisite dishes, each one a culinary masterpiece that delighted both the eyes and the palate. Fresh salads adorned with edible flowers, succulent grilled vegetables drizzled with aromatic herbs, and tender cuts of meat cooked to perfection—all served with a flourish that spoke of careful craftsmanship and attention to detail.

As we ate, the conversation flowed effortlessly between us, weaving through topics both lighthearted and profound. We laughed at shared memories, debated the merits of favorite books, and opened up about dreams and aspirations for the future. In the flickering candlelight, I found myself sharing thoughts and feelings that I had kept guarded, trusting in Keefe's unwavering support and understanding.

Underneath the star-studded canopy of the night sky, I felt a deepening connection with Keefe—a sense of being truly seen and cherished for who I was. His gaze never wavered from mine, his presence a comforting anchor in the whirlwind of emotions that swept through me.

As the night progressed and the candles burned lower, I realized with a profound clarity that this evening was more than just a romantic gesture. It was a testament to the strength of our bond, a quiet affirmation of the love and trust that had blossomed between us.

And as we sat together, hands entwined and hearts open, I knew that this night—a simple yet profound expression of love and devotion—had etched itself deeply into the fabric of our shared journey. In the tranquil embrace of the garden, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers and the soft glow of candles, I found myself grateful for the gift of this moment, where love had bloomed under the stars, transcending words and filling the spaces between us with a warmth that would linger long after the night had faded into memory.

With a sense of inner peace and joy flowing through my every vein I braced the next day where the halls of Goode would haunt us as we continued out mission.


Aww, Keefe is so sweet, lol.

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