What the Sun Feels Like

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          A/N: So I met both Dante Basco and Janet Varney over the weekend which inspired me to post this one-shot on Wattpad as well. Do I feel weird about it now that I actually met the VAs? Maybe. But have I finally experienced extreme happiness? Yes. Yes, I have.

The sun was setting on the horizon, but the heat was still very much alive. Whether that was because you were on Ember Island or because of the firebender next to you is up to interpretation. He looked calm, his scar being softened by the warm oranges and yellows playing across his features.

You feel your anger flare up upon seeing that scar. When you sparred with Zuko way back then, he always had a sparkle in his eye that made you want to find joy in everything you did, no matter how taxing. Then he left. The next time you heard of him, he was burned and banished, sent on an impossible quest in order to get the honour he never lost back.

The picture that was drawn for the article didn't include that sparkle in his eye.

"You have that weird look on your face. What's making you angry?" Zuko asked in that raspy voice you grew to love.

"I hate your dad." You spat out, then sighed, "But you already know that."

Zuko's lip curled up a bit.

"You're right, I do. It's nice to hear it, though. It quiets some of the voices in my head."

Ah, yes, the voices you also hate. The voices that use a firebender's loyalty to drive them to madness, the way they did to princess Azula. Luckily, Zuko had a strong spirit and fought the madness he started to feel upon betraying Ozai. But sometimes, the voices come back in the quiet of the night when his inner fire is at its weakest point.

"Anything for you, Fire Lord."

Zuko's face scrunched up as if in pain. "Please never call me that again."

"Oh, but I am your personal guard, I must use formalities, my lord." You bowed. Well, as well as you could while sitting.

Zuko's face shifted into one of barely contained annoyance before he huffed and turned back towards the horizon. You chuckled at his reaction, appreciating the fact that he refuses to voice his annoyance whenever you tease him.

You turned your attention back towards the horizon as well, wiggling your toes in the warm sand. You never felt insecure about not being a bender before, after all, you were strong enough to take out 10 assassins on your own. A fact that's been proven before.

This is supposed to be a vacation, not a time to get angry about Zuko's hard life.


You may not be a bender, but you're still Fire Nation.

Nevertheless, while you never felt insecure, you wish you could feel the sun like Zuko did. You wondered what "feeling it" really meant. Did his fire grow stronger? More uncontrollable? Or did it calm him?

After 10 more minutes of staring at the sun, you grew antsy.


He didn't blink.


Oh, he blinked this time! You're getting somewhere.


A deadpan!

You reached over slowly since you were on his scarred side, and poked his arm, "Mr.Fire Lord-"

What the Sun Feels LikeWhere stories live. Discover now