Anbody Have A Map? | Prolouge

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Evan's POV:

My first day of senior year is about to start might as well start writing a letter to give myself some encouragement, I guess so. I then open up my laptop and open up WordDocument then start typing mainly with my right hand as my left has a cast on it from this summer when I fell from a tree....

Dear Evan Hansen today is gonna be a good day here's why cause you get to make new friends well try too if you can cause that is good....

Ummm I think I should mean 

you get to make new friends cause you are confident in yourself and promising to smile way more in public. Reminder to take deep breaths and pass on by

While also, while also hmmm, I scratch the back of my head taking a bit to give myself more good advice

Reminder to take deep breaths when you can and keep your back up high while saying hi to others, also try cracking a good joke when needed cause everyone loves jokes also be sure to give it your best while also in good shape and form


also just be yourself be your truest self ?

No this is all so stupid I can't do this god I am so stupid. I sigh and look at my hands then at my cast as I feel like my hands are bout to sweat at school trying to talk to anyone after all I don't have any real friends I tried to make one but he left me then, I wish I could count Jared as one but he only hangs around for money reasons apparently his parent's pays him to be my friend which is considerate I guess of them but that is only because our families are close. It is torturing right now to think of this honestly I just wish I was apart of something and even had courage to just make any friends. I just shut my computer closed and then my mom opens my door 

"Hey honey did you just finish writing a letter just now and took your medication?" she said as she came in smiling at me and then sat on my bed beside me, I look at her then over to my medication on my dresser as I grab it and then open it then put one in my mouth and swallow it down

"Yeah I uhh started writing one, I will finish the rest later if I can...." I said back to her feeling a bit nervous about school while closing then putting my medication back onto my dresser 

"That's great that you started writing cause those letters are gonna help you build your confidence! You see this is working out well. I am already so proud of you honey" She said in a happy tone then gave me a hug 

"I guess so...."

She then stands up from his bed and then goes in front of him and looks at him with a distraught expression "I don't want you to be lonely for the next few years you know, you can't be so cooped up all the time every night, look"

Heidi(His mother): 🎵Can we try to have an optimistic outlook, huh?🎵
Can we buck up just enough to see the world won't fall apart?
Maybe this year, we decide
We're not giving up before we've tried
This year, we make a new start🎵

"Did you tell yourself it is gonna be a good day? Cause it definitely will oh and I have a great idea" she then hands me a sharpie from the cup of work related utensils on my small shelf on the top of it. I took it looking at her and then I looked at the sharpie putting it in my pants left hand pocket, "Thought you could go around and ask the other kids to sign your cast, perfect icebreaker right?" I nod and smile at her "Perfect"

Normal POV:

"Come downstairs for breakfast when you are ready ok? Love you" she smiles and then leaves the room as she walks downstairs she continues singing

🎵Another stellar conversation for the scrapbook
Another stumble as I'm reaching for the right thing to say
I'm kinda coming up empty
Can't find my way to you🎵

Heidi looks around the house for a second then goes to the kitchen to get out a cereal box then two bowls and spoons out the kitchen cabinets and milk from there fridge for a quick breakfast while singing

🎵Does anybody have a map?
Anybody maybe happen to know how the hell to do this?
I don't know if you can tell
But this is me just pretending to know🎵

Heidi feels unsure but trying her best at the same time she sees Evan comes down and gives him kiss on the cheek and a hug as he then pours the milk and cereal for himself and starts eating

🎵So where's the map?
I need a clue
'Cause the scary truth is
I'm flying blind
And I'm making this up as I go🎵

Over at the Murphy's household now

Cynthia Murphy, the mother and her family are having a 'good' breakfast together well trying too while both of her kids Zoe and Connor are making it a hard time while her husband Larry seems to not care so much. Zoe and Connor do not get along at all, Cynthia is trying her best to connect to the both of them

"Connor you do not want to miss every day of your senior year, trust me on that so you are going alright?" she said looking at him worried, Connor then sighs "I said I would go tomorrow"

"He must be drunk or on something to be acting way more cranky than Zoe right now" Larry said while reading his newspaper, "Yeah you can tell by his voice he is definitely high" Zoe responded back

"Fuck you Zoe!" he responded in a pissed mood looking directly at her while Zoe is annoyed "FUCK YOU!", "No fuck you more-"

"For the last time can you two not fight and me and Connor have talked about this he is not on anything, right?" Connor smirks looking as if he is amused with this as an excuse to not go "Well since I am high then I guess I will not be going thanks mom....and fuck you too Zoe, Dad ugh" Connor stands up from his seat and runs upstairs to his room.

Cynthia is internally having a hard time as she is standing here right now 

Cynthia: 🎵Another masterful attempt ends with disaster🎵
Pour another cup of coffee
And watch it all crash and burn
It's a puzzle, it's a maze
I tried to steer through it a million ways
But each day's another wrong turn🎵

"I'll be going now" Larry said as he stands as Cynthia waves to him before he leaves he also waves he then exits. Zoe stands up "Bring me alone please" she than sighs walking away from the table and goes up to her room to get her backpack ready and Cynthia starts clearing the table up

🎵Does anybody have a map?
Anybody maybe..🎵

Meanwhile Heidi is cleaning up breakfast too along with Evan's help

Heidi: 🎵Anybody have a map?🎵

Both: 🎵..happen to know how the hell to do this?
I don't know if you can tell
But this is me just pretending to know🎵

Both families are ready, now they both exit there houses and then enter their cars and now driving there kids to school

Heidi: 🎵So where's the map?🎵

Cynthia: 🎵I need a clue🎵

Both: 🎵'Cause the scary truth is🎵

Cynthia: 🎵I'm flying blind
I'm flying blind🎵

Heidi: 🎵I'm flying blind
I'm flying..🎵 

As they both finally arrive they say goodbye to there kids: "Good luck Honey love you", Heidi said as Evan exited the car "Love you too" he then closed it smiling at her and then walked into school. "Smile more Connor, keep yourself up high Zoe. Love you both" they both just leave the car without saying anything back to Cynthia.

Singing one last time as they leave with the feeling of disappointment in themselves but trying to have hope

Both: 🎵I'm flying blind
And I'm making this up as I go
As I go🎵

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