story 2

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What if.... you were Morris?

I lived in the beautiful village of Ta Lo, I was raised to be wild... and chubby. The people were kind to us, gave us space to roam but were also caring and kept us sheltered and fed.

One day I saw Ying Li leaving Ta Lo with a dangerous-looking man and followed them out of the border. They got in a big mechanical vehicle I later found out was called a car. The old man saw me and once we got to his home the man and Ying Li gave me a home and cared for me, even gave me a room, that's where I've been for the past few hours, I miss my friends, I shouldn't have left them all behind but this is still nice.

~~~~ 7 years later ~~~~
Ying Li has been coldly murdered by enemies of the 10 rings. I am devastated and keep myself in my room, which is the basement. If I had stopped her from leaving Ta Lo all of this could have been avoided, but then again if I did that Shang and Xialing would have never existed.

~~~~~ 5 hours later ~~~~~

I've been crying all night through my non-existant eyes. Now I'm thinking... how weird is it that I am faceless??? All the animals here have faces, even that thing *looks at pug* strange creature. oh no now I hate myself.

I can't even begin to imagine how the humans are feeling right now, she was a beautiful soul.

I cry myself to sleep.

~~~ 7 months later ~~~

I'm still in the basement, the mandarin is growing colder and colder as time moves on. He is turning his children into mind-controlled assassins, kinda feel bad but oh well. It isssss what it isssss. One of the security guards opens the basement door and throws in a scruffy looking man, he gets the door shut behind him.

Old mate is bangin' on the door and screaming for the guards to let him out. "No fuck off Trevor" ew that's a gross name. He seems nice though, let's go say hey *morris noises that translate to* "Hey Trevor, man. Ya get kidnapped often?" he looks at me "Now what tf are you ya fluffy cunt? and yes actually I do, I just got my ass whooped by ironman too so.... it's not great right now" I feel bad for the ugly bastard. "Listen if you want.... we can be friends," I say to him. He nods and we live in that basement together for 10 more years.

 Why would he not want to be friends with a cute, fluffy, affectionate, flying animal anyway? He sorta had to say yes.


A/N: I didn't try with this one as much as I wish I did but I still hope you enjoyed it.

A/N: I didn't try with this one as much as I wish I did but I still hope you enjoyed it

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