5- Ghost from the Past...

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Zi's Extra Notes:

{ Funerals, weddings, family gathering. A lot of happy and sad events took place when I was gone. But now that I'm back, I'm happy to be talking and reading you guys comment and whatnot. I missed being back and hopefully, the next chapter won't take me a month to complete. Hehe... sorry not sorry. }

Warnings: Mention of a curse word, a lot of, and just a long and lengthy chapter.

Word counts: 5.2k++ (And yet again, we really can't keep it down than 5k++ words. )


Somewhere in the Dream Realm

( E N Z O'S P O V )

Darkness. Just a pure pitch black. Anywhere my eyes move nothing is hiding in plain sight but only the darkness.

Out of nowhere, a light shines down onto me. I can finally see myself but the surrounding area is still covered with darkness.

I'm sitting alone with my leg cross. My head then turn to the right and left; suddenly feeling uneasy and out of place. As I'm about to turn my head again, Derek appears right in front of me.

Derek's sitting the same way that I do and he looks perfectly normal from what I could see. I move closer to him until it's only less than a foot away between the two of us.

For no apparent reason, I begin to touch Derek's arm. I try to ask him what's wrong and where the hell are we? His eyes are still trained on my face as I continue to ramble him with questions.

While I'm in the middle of talking, Derek cuts me off by placing his lip on mine. My eyes widen and my hands fall to the wayside. I close my eyes when I return the kiss by deepening it.

Our lips soon part ways as we run out of breath. I open my eyes and am surprised to see that we're right where we are from yesterday. The gazebo, the bridge in the back, the hillside. It's like we have never left that spot and it's very telling. Everything looks like where we have left it off.

I glance at the blinding bridge before returning to look at Derek. He still has this expressionless look on his face. I didn't catch it beforehand but it becomes more apparent now. And even more weird enough, he keeps looking at my stomach area.

Curiously, I look to where his eyes are.
I then scream in fear!! A pair of pale hands is grabbing onto my frail waist. How could I not feel anything before?

I turn my head to Derek for any sign of help but he just keeps looking at me with that same stupid handsome face. And before I can try anything, those pale hands pull me which causes me to fall backwards.


Slowly but surely, I start to open my bleary eyes. I look around to see that I've been transported back safely to my bedroom.

I grab ahold of a pillow and throw it onto my face. A long muffled groan then escapes from me. I thought days of nightmares have long been gone with college stuff. Why the hell has it decides to make a comeback now?

I throw the pillow from my face to the floor and begin to sit up on the bed. I run my hand through the messy curls and trying to untangle every one of them but failing to do so. It's how I start my thinking process anyway, playing with my curls just to distract from the nightmare.

After five minutes or so, I move to the kitchen space and turning on the coffee machine button. As I'm waiting for the coffee to brew, I pace backs and forth with a finger in my mouth. And then I stop, I look to my left and grab the camera that's just sitting on the dining table.

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