04;; Lies & Truth

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04;; Lies & Truth

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To say Riki was disappointed would be an understatement: he was dying, crying and screaming (internally) all at the same time.

It was terrible – Minsong showed up late and found him watching him lay on Jake with jealousy, which didn't make any sense. Was that not a normal thing for friends to do? He wasn't being the best matchmaker and made his nervousness seem so obvious which made the Minsong and Jake situation even worse. And on top of that, Minsong got hurt and they managed to live through the awkward small talk. In a last attempt to fix all the mess he'd created, Riki decided to walk home by himself, leaving Minsong and Jake alone together.

But Minsong begged to differ.

His mind was vying about what to say, what to do, how to act and even how he walked. It was obvious that he was the reason Riki's idea had failed and that this was the consequence of his own actions but that didn't make the panic go any easier on him. Should he ask him more about football? Maybe it was too soon after the disaster that had happened. Or maybe how his day was, but there was already enough small talk and he definitely knew that wasn't the solution.

"I'm sorry for tripping over that ball." What? What did that even mean? This wasn't the plan.

Minsong wanted to shrivel up and sink into the ground when he heard the jumble of words come out of his mouth. Even better – get some word rubber thing that would magically clean up that mess of a sentence. He felt himself cringe when the words lingered at the back of his mind, making him wince and hoping that the tone of his nervous voice would make the sentence go unheard by Jake.

But how likely were the chances of that when he literally had a big mouth? Zero.

Unlike Jake, he couldn't effortlessly share a sweet smile or say the perfect thing at the perfect time. He wondered what it was like to always be so fond of everyone and have a radiating glow that seemed to light up the whole room so effortlessly. People like that seemed like something only an author could bring to light, not God, but Jake was real.

Where was Riki when he needed him? Why did he trust him enough to leave him with Jake and expect him not to chicken out? Minsong wasn't sure what went through the matchmaker's head when he thought of pulling a stunt like that on him, but it was too late to take back anything now.

He wasn't ready to talk to Jake without some advice from Riki yet, this was too soon and yet every single time he proposed an idea that seemed worthwhile it ended up in some mess like this.

"It fine," Jake smiles sweetly, pulling him out of his trance, the reality seems much better when he heard Jake's voice, "The grass was wet, so I understand; I'm just glad you're not hurt."

"I didn't mean for the match to end like that..." Minsongs airy brittle words made Jake smile brighter in order to cheer up the guilty boy, "Riki or you didn't even get a turn with the ball." At that, Jake chuckles.

"It's all good. It's nothing serious, we can just play with Nishi another time," He casually brushes off Minsongs concern. Jake feels as if he must reassure Minsongs worries since this is their first time interacting besides the failed matched making.

However rude this might have sounded; Jake was glad he did because he only further proved his suspicions about Minsong having a crush on him. He watched the way Minsongs shoulders stiffen when he heard the way he said Riki's name. Sure, it maybe has just been him being nervous or looking guilty, but it didn't make sense for him to be this worked up about a simple nickname when he knew he was close with Riki.

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