09;; Homesickness

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09;; Homesickness

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"Kinda sucks that we couldn't practice today, huh?" Minsong asked, sitting under the large tree which shielded them from the scorching sun that never seemed to stop beaming.

When Minsong had arrived, they had just cached up on some homework and random revision they both didn't really need to study again for. After almost an hour of absolutely nothing, they decided to practice on the field which lucky wasn't too far from Jake's house but to their dismay, it wasn't free.

Jake thought they should go home and watch movies, but Riki was there. It was quite odd; he couldn't shake off the strange feeling and constantly thought about what Riki was thinking.

"Yeah, but at least we got this spot to ourselves," Jake smiles warmly, fiddling with the drink in his hand. He gently stabs his straw into the slushy and takes a sip of the icy drink, a blueberry taste bubbling on his tongue.

"It's still way too hot," Minsong rests his weight on the bark of the tree as he fans himself, pressing the cold beverage against his sweaty cheek.

"Maybe it was a good thing that we didn't play football," Jake points out to which the younger nods, "I would have actually passed out from the heat."

Minsong chuckles, pushing back his hair and tucking it behind his ear, "I thought you had already passed out – why did it take you so long to open the door?" He suddenly asks, taking a long sip of his red slushy.

Jake freezes and forces his attention on his drink, "I was just looking for... something," his body tenses as his mind numbs – unable to think of an accurate lie to tell.

"Looking for what?" Minsong attempts to be more daring, just like Riki had said to be, more to true to himself.

"It's nothing important," Jake suddenly flashes a smile that seemed believable before quickly chugging down a large portion of his slushy. He glances around awkwardly, the since seems to last longer in his head than it did to Minsong since he doesn't seem fazed by the pause.

"So, up to anything in the weekends?" Minsong tilts his head to look at Jake more clearly, a brighter smile painted against his features.

Jake only just noticed how Minsongs mannerisms were around him – much more confident and open as if they had been friends forever not a silly little crush like he was used to be treated like. He must say, it was quite strange.

He wasn't used to having a friend holding a crush on him and he must admit it was pretty nerve-wracking. Of course, that was Riki's job to help him overcome his jittery feelings, but now he'd have to help him even more because he'd never been on the receiving end. It was usually him who would make the moves, do the talking and flatter Minsong until he was the colour of his heart pendant (at least he tried to) not the other way around.

Jake thought it was probably his makeover that also gave him the confidence, or maybe his own change that forced Minsong to be a little more obvious, or maybe it was all Riki's doing but whatever it was, it was weird. He attempts to shake off the uneasy nerves by drinking more of his slushy, eyes darting to anything that could occupy his mind.

He wondered what Riki and Minsong got up to when he would teach Minsong all the basic matchmaking things they had taught many, many times – it was probably much easier matchmaking Minsong with himself since well, he wasn't aware that his crush was also being matchmaked!

"Oh, I dunno," Jake squeezed the half-empty cup, giving the latter a tight-lipped smile as not to hurt his feelings, "I'm actually quite busy – Riki has to stay over for a bit, and I still have to study." The younger male nods silently.

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