Chapter 1

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Hermione woke up on the morning of Spetember 1st excited for today was the day she would go back to Hogwarts. This would be her final year since last year her, Harry and Ron were searching for horcruxes and defeating the dark lord. After the war her and Ron had gotten together but that relationship quickly ended when they both realized that they only shared brother and sisterly type love for each other. Harry and Ginny were together and as soon as school ended they would be getting married. After spending a week at the burrow grieving for all she had lost in the war, Hermione went to Australia to find her parents. When she found them, she discovered that they spent all of her college savings on a huge house and car etc. They were happy and though it deeply saddened Hermionie she let them be and went back to England. When she came back she decided that she would become a new person, not the bossy, book-worm with bushy hair that she was all of her past years at Hogwarts. Since the war, she had numerous jobs offered to her and even though she was qualified for her dream job, a healer, she wanted to have one last year at Hogwarts before she accepted the position. A month before, at the end of July, Hermione had enlisted the help of Ginny to give her a makeover. She made a spell with which she could change her hair at will and it was currently teased and dark brown with a hint of red . She threw out all of her old clothes and together her and Ginny bought enough clothes to fill her closet twice over. However, none of this stuff was something that the old Hermione Granger would wear, it was full of short shorts, loose tees, tight dresses, shirts, skirts and jeans, multiple pairs of converse and stilletoes. Jewlery and makeup to last a lifetime. You see Hermione had a secret that she discovered when she got her Hogwarts letter all those years ago. Her name was not acutally Hermione Granger it was in fact Mia Stone, the heir of one of the oldest wizarding families, alongside the Black, Malfoys and all of the other pureblood familes, who had to be taken from her true family and placed under the care of muggles for protection durning the war and the aftermath that followed. So Mia grew up innocent of who she truely was and led her life as a muggle, well until that 11th birthday, when it was all explained to her. A week prior Mia and all of the other returning seventh years who should be out in the world right now, recived a letter  saying that due to the war affecting people the way that it did, all of them would be resorted. And so on that moring of Spetember 1st Mia Stone woke up in the townhouse that she had grown up in, packed her bags, got dressed in black shorts with suspenders and white loose fitting tee saying love me, her red stilletoes and some smokey eye makeup to complete her look, and she apperated to the Kings Cross Station Platform 9 3/4 and boarded the Hogwarts express for the last time.


OK so I know that it is short but this is just like an introdcution to the new Hermionie or should i say Mia. Im going to try and post as often as possible but I wont make any promises because school is really stressful with exams right now. It would help motivate me if i had some votes or comments, they would be much appreciated. Im working on the second chapter right now but i wanted to get this one out first. 

Love you,


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