Chapter 3

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So sorry for the incredibly short chapter i just wanted to get another part out i would really like to get some votes on this and comments on what could be done better etc but please be nice!



Mia smiled, got off the stool and walked over to the Slytherin table with her head held high. Suddenly she heard a roar of applause from her friends and slowly the whole hall started clapping, but the clapping was overshadowed by people wondering what the hell was going on, since Mia was supposedly a sudious bookworm and part of the golden trio. Mia sat down with the Syltherins and started up a conversation with Blaise, with whom she had always been cordigal with since they were some of the smartest people in their class and were partnered up quite often.

"So Blaise, have a good summer?" questioned Mia trying to ignore all of the staring. "Yes it was quite well, Mother has a new boyfriend but that was to be expected. What about you, i can see you've made some changes."

"Well, I have decided to reveal my true identity and redo my look and since i already have my job waiting for me at St. Mungos, I have nothing to lose."

Draco who was sitting close by scoffed "You aren't fooling anyone with the whole new rebellious look Granger"

"My name is Mia Stone, not Granger, Stone, S-T-O-N-E or are you too much of an idiot that you missed all of that?" shot Mia "Well now I see why you got put into Slytherin" muttered Blaise. 

^^^^^^^ After Dinner^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Mia dragged Blaise over to the side as everyone was leaving the great hall. "Blaise, I need your help, you see your the only Sytherin that i am on reletavly good terms with and I was wondering if you could help me be more rebllious, I am at heart but i just havent had any practice, ever,  so will you help?" "Ya sure Mia, but i seems your doing pretty well on your own i mean your new look, not bothering to wear the uniform, telling Draco to shove it, its going along quite nicely." 

"Thanks Blaise, well I had better go meet my roomates, see you tommorow" and with that Mia hugged Blaise and ran off upstairs to find that she was rooming with only Pansy Parkinson, not that many Slytherins came back after the war.

Mia walked into the room to see that she had the bed closest to the bathroom but farthest from the window, that should be fine she thought to herself. Pansy walked in the room, spotted her and stopped short.

Mia, sensing the tension said "Look Pansy, I know that you may not like me because you think im a mudblood, or whatever but just to be clear I am a pureblood and I would like to start fresh, It would be nice to have a friend who is a girl in my house, I had Ginny before but she is in Gryffendor, so what do you say would you like to be friends?"

Pansy stared at her for a moment before asking " what family are you from again?" "The Stone family"

"Hmm ok, I'll be friends with you, it will be nice having a girl around anyways, I dont know how you dealt with being around boys all the time, it gets aggravating sometimes!"

And with that Pansy and Mia became friends, they werent the best of friends, they had only been nice to each other for an hour, but they were still friends.


Ok so next chapter will be first day of classes and i would really appriciate some votes and or comments. Dont be ghost readers!!!

blacksunsets <3

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