Chapter 1:

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Legion Control Territory

Cyclops: Hander One they reach the old High Speed railroad terminal at Point 122 Sorry they were jamming the radar and it Took us a while to find them This is gonna be a rough fight for the new kids , What do we do

Lena: Deploy our main Force at 062, then lure them in with another unit that would put them in range of the Howitzers

Cyclops: So we're fighting them in front of the base huh if they make it through there's nothing but the minefields and the Howitzers to keep them out right

Lena: It's the best location we have if we're to survive

Cyclops: Yes My Queen

Location: Republic of San Magnolia

It's winter in the city and very cold and nothing bad in this situation but it's still the same year and many 86 Eighty-Sixers on the Battlefields to the North, South, East, and the West and Legion are starting to Increase there Numbers

Lena Or Major Vladilena Milizé was put in charge of the Spearhead Squadron and then after Spearhead Squadron was nearly depleted they were sent on a secret reconnaissance mission or as they suicide mission she was able to save her life and then got demoted to Captain for using the artillery without permission and The Republic has not Heard about The United States and The Federation but only it's Military and notice that's United States and The Federation are From another world and they are Also Fighting The Legion in order to Protect The GATE From The hands of The Legion has better technology than The Republic

Republic Military officer 1: Hey it's the Doll Crushing princess

Republic Military officer 2: I heard you had another victory against the Legion Threat today Stained with the blood of pigs

Republic Military officer 3: That's Why they call her The Bloody Regina The Bloody Queen

Republic Military Officer 1: You learn tell the difference between men and pigs

Republic Military Officer 3: She Never Changes expression who knows what she's thinking

Republic Military Officer 2: Getting the demoted for the sake of those pigs and also I heard about These Americans and Federation who ever they are

Republic Military Officer 1: There out there in Legion Territory fighting I'm pretty sure there the Same as the 86 and or there Probably dead by then as the legion won't be here in the next 2 years

The Situation is always the same as ever but things are getting different than expected


Location: Fort Stonehenge

After a few days later after an Legion attack

US Soldier 78: Damn the Legion are starting to get more Aggressive than I thought it's crazy too

Federation Soldier 56: Yeah including there numbers too they definitely just want to win that's all they want to

Fort Stonehenge's Air Force Base

In this Area US and Federation Soldiers have been rebuilding the Dinosauria that was Shins brother and then the Dinosauria repairs were not easy so they never gave up repairing so it could be useful in Combat in Very Long Range Bombardments against mass groups of Hostile Forces

US Soldier (Air Force Base): Alright people get moving now

Federation Soldier 99 (Air Force Base): Roger

US Soldier 75 (Air Force Base): Let me help you with that

The Electromagnetic Pulse Field around each Aircraft was successful as always and they be able to fly safely in the Air to drop Supplies and Ammo too support Dark Wolf Sentinel Squadrons in Legion Territory complete Operations successfully

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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