ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ

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Growing up you had one friend : Hugh. He had been your neighbour since before either of you could walk and though your houses were far apart, you were the only kids in the neighborhood so it didn't take long for you to find each other.

Even though your parents were just as rich as his parents were, your home life couldn't have been more different.

His parents didn't want him around, even less you. They'd always yell and make one of you cry, mostly you because you hated yelling. It has always scared you and you've never figured out why. Aside from Hugh's parents, no one yelled.

His parents always shipped him over to your house and your parents always made him feel welcome. They were very well aware of how his parents were and they tried to balance it out by treating him like he was a part of the family, with how much time you spent together it wasn't that far from the truth.

You started school the same year and stuck together throughout the years, all the way through high school.

As you grew older, Hugh liked to tell people that when you both were going to be grown ups he was going to marry you and be happy like your own parents were. They were his role models and he wanted his life to be exactly like theirs. Your parents loved each other and loved you, it wasn't something he was familiar with but he wanted it, more than anything.

Funnily enough, you and Hugh were kind of the outcast of the school throughout the years. You were each other's best friend and there was no point for either of you to try and make more friends when you already had the best friend in the whole world. Neither of you minded, at least not until high school and puberty.

For the Drysdales, appearance is everything. It doesn't matter who you are or how much money you have; if you don't look good then you're worthless. That's why their son was always dressed with the most expensive clothes and had the perfect haircuts. It didn't matter that he was a kid and would most likely come home with messy hair and stained clothes; he had to look good.

It only got worse as he got older. Until high school he never cared about any of that stuff, but then girls started noticing him because puberty had been very kind to him. Girls wanted to date him and guys wanted to be him but settled for being a part of his close circle.

That's when Hugh became Ransom and your best friend slowly started to fade away.

Ransom had no intention whatsoever to ditch you. You were his best friend and people just had to accept you the way they did him, except they never really did.

Puberty hadn't been as kind to you and you were struggling with the way you looked. Ransom's friends were quick to tell him that he needed to stop being friends with you before he lost his popularity, you weren't good for his image. For his brand.

You then started eating lunch alone, and you couldn't talk to Ransom anymore unless you were somewhere no one could see him with you. Which basically meant your house, except he barely ever came over anymore.

Ransom still claimed that you were his best friend, but it was hard to believe him when all you seemed to be was his dirty little secret.

Now that you weren't hanging out with Ransom anymore, you found yourself with a lot of free time on your hands and you chose to use that time for school work and working out. You didn't care about how you looked, but you wanted to be healthy. At first it was rough, because you did like your sweets but after a while you really enjoyed eating healthy and anything sugary didn't even look good anymore. By the time you reached senior year, you were in the best shape of your life and you had the best grades of the school.

According to your teachers, your biggest difficulty was going to be choosing which college to go to once they all accepted you. Because they were definitely going to be fighting for you when they saw your application.

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