Chapter 1

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Right after endgame

After Steve left, Bucky had felt lost and really struggled with coming to terms with his past and adjusting to his life now free from Hydra. Sam decided to take him in until Bucky found a place of his own, hoping being around other people would help him.

I myself was living with Sam too. I didn't have the best childhood since my parents died when I was still young, so I grew up with my aunt who was a cruel person to say the least. She was abusive and never really took care of me. Sam's family and pretty much the whole community raised me and showed me the love my guardian was supposed to give me.

After the blip my aunt refused to let me live with her. So Sam, being the person that he was, offered me to stay with him as well.

When I first met Bucky I couldn't believe my eyes he was the most handsome man I had ever seen. And I was intrigued by his quiet and dark demeanor. I pretty much had a crush on Bucky from the moment I saw him.

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. I stretched my arms over my head groaning. Another day and with that another attempt at trying to not freak out every time Bucky looked at me. I let out a frustrated huff. I really had to get over this teenage crush I was having.

I got up to make myself some breakfast. Walking into the kitchen I saw a note on the counter. I picked it up, already assuming it was from Sam.

"Sam had to leave. Some kind of emergency, he said he will be back as soon as possible" a low and husky voice spoke behind me. I spun around to find Bucky standing in the doorframe. I noticed he was only in his boxers and immediately blushed. He had a broad chest and strong shoulders, the place where his black metal arm connected to his body was scarred and bumpy. Some might have found it repulsive but I just felt the need to run my fingers over it, feeling the space where skin turned into metal. I quickly looked down at my hands feeling embarrassed at my own thoughts.

"O-Okay" I said "Do you know when he is going to be back" my voice was barely above a whisper. This always happened when I got nervous, I just never seemed to be able to talk properly. But Bucky didn't seem to mind because he answered "No, I guess it's some kind of mission". I nodded, Sam was officially a free agent and was therefore allowed to go on missions again. I went to the fridge to get myself some eggs. Guessing Bucky probably wanted some breakfast too, I took in a deep breath and turned to look at Bucky who had taken a seat at the counter on one of the bar stools.

"I am making scrambled eggs. Would-would you like some?" I said still clutching to the hem of my shirt, avoiding his eyes. After he didn't answer for a while I looked up to see his eyes fixated on my hands. I realized I had accidently started pulling my shirt up a bit exposing more of my legs. I immediately let go of my shirt letting it fall back down to my thighs.


Bucky eyes snapped up to mine. Taken back by the intensity of his gaze I almost forget how to breathe. Catching himself he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry what did you say?" he said nervously and I could see a small tinge of red creeping up the base of his neck.

"Do you want some scrambled eggs?" I couldn't suppress the small amused smile from creeping onto my face.

"Uh yes thanks"

I nodded and turned around and proceeded to make breakfast for us. Bucky kept watching me quietly. After I was done I got some toast and assembled two plates for us. I sat beside him at the counter and we quietly ate our breakfast. I kept my eyes on my plate, wondering if he liked it. I mean it was just scrambled eggs no way to mess it up, right?

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