Chapter 11:big meanie koo

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"Why ?" Jin asked grabbing hoseok out of Jungkook arms . "I don't kn-." He was cut off by hoseok whining . "NO he lying he -he big meanie he weft with pwetty girl." He said between sniffles making it hard for Jin to understand but of course his tata came to the rescue . "He said Jungkook and some girl left him all alone ."

Jins eyes widened . Handing hoseok over to taehyung before grabbing a magazine that was nearby and smacking Jungkook upside the head . "HOW COULD YOU !!" Jin asked continuing to hit the youngest . "YAH HYUNG you wanted him to come with me , you knew I was going out with someone ." He said angrily before stomping up the stairs into his room .

Hoseok whined feeling tears pour down his cheeks . "I - I wan daddy koo ." He said while squirming in taehyungs arms . Taehyung sighed letting the little go and watching him run up the stairs .

Once hoseok made it to the door he slowly opened it peeking inside only to see Jungkook on his game . "D-daddy ?" He asked quietly . Jungkook looked over at him but didn't say anything making hoseok whine . Walking over and sitting on his daddy's lap he nuzzled his face In the crook of his neck . "I sowwy daddy ." He pouted and looked up .

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around the little . "It's ok bun , I'm sorry for leaving you." He said before kissing the littles cheek . Hoseok giggled and laid his head on the youngers chest . "I sweep with you tonight." He said tiredly before yawning and drifting off to sleep in Jungkooks arms .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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